expandExpr binds app@(App _ _) = do
- let ((Var f), args) = collectArgs app
- if isTupleConstructor f
- then
- expandBuildTupleExpr binds args
- else
+ -- Is this a data constructor application?
+ case CoreUtils.exprIsConApp_maybe app of
+ -- Is this a tuple construction?
+ Just (dc, args) -> if DataCon.isTupleCon dc
+ then
+ expandBuildTupleExpr binds (dataConAppArgs dc args)
+ else
+ error "Data constructors other than tuples not supported"
+ otherise ->
+ -- Normal function application, should map to a component instantiation
+ let ((Var f), args) = collectArgs app in
expandApplicationExpr binds (CoreUtils.exprType app) f args
expandExpr binds expr@(Case (Var v) b _ alts) =
-- See expandExpr
expandBuildTupleExpr binds args = do
-- Split the tuple constructor arguments into types and actual values.
- let (_, vals) = splitTupleConstructorArgs args
-- Expand each of the values in the tuple
(signals_declss, statementss, arg_signalss, res_signals) <-
- (Monad.liftM List.unzip4) $ mapM (expandExpr binds) vals
+ (Monad.liftM List.unzip4) $ mapM (expandExpr binds) args
if any (not . null) arg_signalss
then error "Putting high order functions in tuples not supported"
expandArgs _ [] = return ([], [], [])
--- Is the given name a (binary) tuple constructor
-isTupleConstructor :: Var.Var -> Bool
-isTupleConstructor var =
- Name.isWiredInName name
- && Name.nameModule name == tuple_mod
- && (Name.occNameString $ Name.nameOccName name) == "(,)"
+-- Extract the arguments from a data constructor application (that is, the
+-- normal args, leaving out the type args).
+dataConAppArgs :: DataCon -> [CoreExpr] -> [CoreExpr]
+dataConAppArgs dc args =
+ drop tycount args
- name = Var.varName var
- mod = nameModule name
- tuple_mod = Module.mkModule (Module.stringToPackageId "ghc-prim") (Module.mkModuleName "GHC.Tuple")
--- Split arguments into type arguments and value arguments This is probably
--- not really sufficient (not sure if Types can actually occur as value
--- arguments...)
-splitTupleConstructorArgs :: [CoreExpr] -> ([CoreExpr], [CoreExpr])
-splitTupleConstructorArgs (e:es) =
- case e of
- Type t -> (e:tys, vals)
- otherwise -> (tys, e:vals)
- where
- (tys, vals) = splitTupleConstructorArgs es
-splitTupleConstructorArgs [] = ([], [])
+ tycount = length $ DataCon.dataConAllTyVars dc
mapOutputPorts ::
SignalNameMap -- The output portnames of the component