-- Wilden the binders of one alt, producing a list of bindings as a
-- sideeffect.
doalt :: CoreAlt -> TransformMonad ([(CoreBndr, CoreExpr)], CoreAlt)
- doalt (con, bndrs, expr) = do
+ doalt (LitAlt _, _, _) = error $ "Don't know how to handle LitAlt in case expression: " ++ pprString expr
+ doalt alt@(DEFAULT, [], expr) = return ([], alt)
+ doalt (DataAlt dc, bndrs, expr) = do
-- Make each binder wild, if possible
bndrs_res <- Monad.zipWithM dobndr bndrs [0..]
let (newbndrs, bindings_maybe) = unzip bndrs_res
let uses_bndrs = not $ VarSet.isEmptyVarSet $ CoreFVs.exprSomeFreeVars (`elem` newbndrs) expr
(exprbinding_maybe, expr') <- doexpr expr uses_bndrs
-- Create a new alternative
- let newalt = (con, newbndrs, expr')
+ let newalt = (DataAlt dc, newbndrs, expr')
let bindings = Maybe.catMaybes (bindings_maybe ++ [exprbinding_maybe])
return (bindings, newalt)
-- inlinenonrep).
if (not wild) && repr
then do
- caseexpr <- Trans.lift $ mkSelCase scrut i
+ let dc_i = datacon_index (CoreUtils.exprType scrut) dc
+ caseexpr <- Trans.lift $ mkSelCase scrut dc_i i
-- Create a new binder that will actually capture a value in this
-- case statement, and return it.
return (wildbndrs!!i, Just (b, caseexpr))
res_bndr <- Trans.lift $ mkBinderFor newapp "res"
-- Create extractor case expressions to extract each of the
-- free variables from the tuple.
- sel_cases <- Trans.lift $ mapM (mkSelCase (Var res_bndr)) [0..n_free_vars-1]
+ sel_cases <- Trans.lift $ mapM (mkSelCase (Var res_bndr) 0) [0..n_free_vars-1]
-- Bind the res_bndr to the result of the new application
-- and each of the free variables to the corresponding
let subst' = VarEnv.extendVarEnv subst bndr bndr'
return (subst', bndr')
--- Create a "selector" case that selects the ith field from a datacon
-mkSelCase :: CoreSyn.CoreExpr -> Int -> TranslatorSession CoreSyn.CoreExpr
-mkSelCase scrut i = do
- let scrut_ty = CoreUtils.exprType scrut
+-- Create a "selector" case that selects the ith field from dc_ith
+-- datacon
+mkSelCase :: CoreSyn.CoreExpr -> Int -> Int -> TranslatorSession CoreSyn.CoreExpr
+mkSelCase scrut dc_i i = do
case Type.splitTyConApp_maybe scrut_ty of
-- The scrutinee should have a type constructor. We keep the type
-- arguments around so we can instantiate the field types below
- Just (tycon, tyargs) -> case TyCon.tyConDataCons tycon of
+ Just (tycon, tyargs) -> case TyCon.tyConDataCons_maybe tycon of
-- The scrutinee type should have a single dataconstructor,
-- otherwise we can't construct a valid selector case.
- [datacon] -> do
- let field_tys = DataCon.dataConInstOrigArgTys datacon tyargs
- -- Create a list of wild binders for the fields we don't want
- let wildbndrs = map MkCore.mkWildBinder field_tys
- -- Create a single binder for the field we want
- sel_bndr <- mkInternalVar "sel" (field_tys!!i)
- -- Create a wild binder for the scrutinee
- let scrut_bndr = MkCore.mkWildBinder scrut_ty
- -- Create the case expression
- let binders = take i wildbndrs ++ [sel_bndr] ++ drop (i+1) wildbndrs
- return $ CoreSyn.Case scrut scrut_bndr scrut_ty [(CoreSyn.DataAlt datacon, binders, CoreSyn.Var sel_bndr)]
- dcs -> error $ "CoreTools.mkSelCase: Scrutinee type must have exactly one datacon. Extracting element " ++ (show i) ++ " from '" ++ pprString scrut ++ "' Datacons: " ++ (show dcs) ++ " Type: " ++ (pprString scrut_ty)
- Nothing -> error $ "CoreTools.mkSelCase: Creating extractor case, but scrutinee has no tycon? Extracting element " ++ (show i) ++ " from '" ++ pprString scrut ++ "'" ++ " Type: " ++ (pprString scrut_ty)
+ Just dcs | i < 0 || i >= length dcs -> error $ "\nCoreTools.mkSelCase: Creating extractor case, but datacon index is invalid." ++ error_msg
+ | otherwise -> do
+ let datacon = (dcs!!dc_i)
+ let field_tys = DataCon.dataConInstOrigArgTys datacon tyargs
+ if i < 0 || i >= length field_tys
+ then error $ "\nCoreTools.mkSelCase: Creating extractor case, but field index is invalid." ++ error_msg
+ else do
+ -- Create a list of wild binders for the fields we don't want
+ let wildbndrs = map MkCore.mkWildBinder field_tys
+ -- Create a single binder for the field we want
+ sel_bndr <- mkInternalVar "sel" (field_tys!!i)
+ -- Create a wild binder for the scrutinee
+ let scrut_bndr = MkCore.mkWildBinder scrut_ty
+ -- Create the case expression
+ let binders = take i wildbndrs ++ [sel_bndr] ++ drop (i+1) wildbndrs
+ return $ CoreSyn.Case scrut scrut_bndr scrut_ty [(CoreSyn.DataAlt datacon, binders, CoreSyn.Var sel_bndr)]
+ Nothing -> error $ "CoreTools.mkSelCase: Creating extractor case, but scrutinee has no datacons?" ++ error_msg
+ Nothing -> error $ "CoreTools.mkSelCase: Creating extractor case, but scrutinee has no tycon?" ++ error_msg
+ where
+ scrut_ty = CoreUtils.exprType scrut
+ error_msg = " Extracting element " ++ (show i) ++ " from datacon " ++ (show dc_i) ++ " from '" ++ pprString scrut ++ "'" ++ " Type: " ++ (pprString scrut_ty)