# this config file will save various reports of vital system information.
-# by default, all the reports are enabled and are saved in /var/backups.
+# by default, all the reports are saved in /var/backups.
# requires dpkg, debconf-utils, sfdisk, and hwinfo
# (4) hardware information.
# detailed information on most important aspects of the hardware.
+# (5) the Luks header of every Luks block device, if option luksheaders
+# is enabled.
+# in case you (have to) scramble such a Luks header (for some time),
+# and restore it later by running "dd if=luksheader.sda2.bin of=/dev/sda2"
# here are the defaults, commented out:
# hardwarefile = /var/backups/hardware.txt
# dohwinfo = yes
+# luksheaders = no
+# NOTE: the __star__ below will be replaced by the Luks partitions found on the
+# system (e.g. luksheader.sda2.bin, luksheader.sdb3.bin). If you change
+# the luksheadersfile default below, be sure to include the __star__
+# replacement in the filename, or you will get one file for only one partition,
+# the others being written to the same file, and then overwritten by the next.
+# luksheadersfile = /var/backups/luksheader.__star__.bin
# If vservers = yes in /etc/backupninja.conf then the following variables can
# be used:
# vsnames = all | <vserver1> <vserver2> ... (default = all)
"packages" "list of all installed packages." on \
"partitions" "the partition table of all disks." on \
"sfdisk" "use sfdisk to get partition information." on \
- "hardware" "detailed hardware information" on
+ "hardware" "detailed hardware information" on \
+ "luksheaders" "Luks headers of all Luks partitions." off
[ $? = 1 ] && return;
packages="packages = no"
partitions="partitions = no"
sfdisk="dosfdisk = no"
hardware="hardware = no"
+ luksheaders="luksheaders = no"
for opt in $result; do
case $opt in
'"packages"') packages="packages = yes";;
'"partitions"') partitions="partitions = yes";;
'"sfdisk"') sfdisk="dosfdisk = yes";;
'"hardware"') hardware="hardware = yes";;
+ '"luksheaders"') luksheaders="luksheaders = yes";;
get_next_filename $configdirectory/10.sys
# packagesfile = /var/backups/dpkg-selections.txt
# selectionsfile = /var/backups/debconfsel.txt
# partitionsfile = /var/backups/partitions.__star__.txt
# hardwarefile = /var/backups/hardware.txt
+# luksheadersfile = /var/backups/luksheader.__star__.bin
# If vservers = yes in /etc/backupninja.conf then the following variables can
# be used:
# -*- mode: sh; sh-basic-offset: 3; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*-
# this handler will save various reports of vital system information.
-# by default, all the reports are enabled and are saved in /var/backups.
+# by default, all the reports are saved in /var/backups.
# (1) a capture of the debconf package selection states. This file
# can be used to restore the answers to debconf questions for
# (4) hardware information.
# write to a text file the important things which hwinfo can gleen.
+# (5) the Luks header of every Luks block device, if option luksheaders
+# is enabled.
+# in case you (have to) scramble such a Luks header (for some time),
+# and restore it later by running "dd if=luksheader.sda2.bin of=/dev/sda2"
if [ -f /etc/debian_version ]
getconf sfdisk_options ""
getconf hwinfo_options ""
+getconf CRYPTSETUP `which cryptsetup`
+getconf DD `which dd`
+getconf luksheaders no
+getconf luksheadersfile $parentdir/luksheader.__star__.bin
getconf vsnames all
# If vservers are configured, check that the ones listed in $vsnames are running.
+## SANITY CHECKS #########################
+if [ "$luksheaders" == "yes" ]; then
+ if [ ! -x "$DD" ]; then
+ warning "can't find dd, skipping backup of Luks headers."
+ luksheaders="no"
+ fi
+ if [ ! -x "$CRYPTSETUP" ]; then
+ warning "can't find cryptsetup, skipping backup of Luks headers."
+ luksheaders="no"
+ fi
## PACKAGES ##############################
$HWINFO --disk >> $hardwarefile
+if [ "$luksheaders" == "yes" ]; then
+ devices=`LC_ALL=C $SFDISK -l 2>/dev/null | grep "^Disk /dev" | @AWK@ '{print $2}' | cut -d: -f1`
+ [ -n "$devices" ] || warning "No block device found"
+ targetdevices=""
+ for dev in $devices; do
+ [ -b $dev ] || continue
+ debug "$CRYPTSETUP isLuks $dev"
+ $CRYPTSETUP isLuks $dev
+ [ $? -eq 0 ] && targetdevices="$targetdevices $dev"
+ done
+ for dev in $targetdevices; do
+ label=${dev#/dev/}
+ label=${label//\//-}
+ outputfile=${luksheadersfile//__star__/$label}
+ # the following sizes are expressed in terms of 512-byte sectors
+ debug "Let us find out the Luks header size for $dev"
+ debug "$CRYPTSETUP luksDump \"$dev\" | grep '^Payload offset:' | @AWK@ '{print $3}'"
+ headersize=`$CRYPTSETUP luksDump "$dev" | grep '^Payload offset:' | @AWK@ '{print $3}'`
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ warning "Could not compute the size of Luks header, skipping device $dev"
+ continue
+ elif [ -z "$headersize" -o -n "`echo \"$headersize\" | sed 's/[0-9]*//g'`" ]; then
+ warning "The computed size of Luks header is not an integer, skipping device $dev"
+ continue
+ fi
+ debug "Let us backup the Luks header of device $dev"
+ debug "$DD if=\"${dev}\" of=\"${outputfile}\" bs=512 count=\"${headersize}\""
+ output=`$DD if="${dev}" of="${outputfile}" bs=512 count="${headersize}" 2>&1`
+ exit_code=$?
+ if [ $exit_code -eq 0 ]; then
+ debug $output
+ info "The Luks header of $dev was saved to $outputfile."
+ else
+ debug $output
+ fatal "The Luks header of $dev could not be saved."
+ fi
+ done