module Flatten where
import CoreSyn
+import qualified Type
+import qualified TyCon
+import qualified CoreUtils
import qualified Control.Monad.State as State
-- | A datatype that maps each of the single values in a haskell structure to
data HsValueMap mapto =
Tuple [HsValueMap mapto]
| Single mapto
- | Unused
deriving (Show, Eq)
+-- | Creates a HsValueMap with the same structure as the given type, using the
+-- given function for mapping the single types.
+mkHsValueMap ::
+ Type.Type -- ^ The type to map to a HsValueMap
+ -> HsValueMap Type.Type -- ^ The resulting map and state
+mkHsValueMap ty =
+ case Type.splitTyConApp_maybe ty of
+ Just (tycon, args) ->
+ if (TyCon.isTupleTyCon tycon)
+ then
+ Tuple (map mkHsValueMap args)
+ else
+ Single ty
+ Nothing -> Single ty
data FlatFunction = FlatFunction {
args :: [SignalDefMap],
res :: SignalUseMap,
} deriving (Show, Eq)
type BindMap = [(
- String, -- ^ The bind name
+ CoreBndr, -- ^ The bind name
Either -- ^ The bind value which is either
- SignalUse -- ^ a signal
+ SignalUseMap -- ^ a signal
HsValueUse, -- ^ or a HighOrder function
[SignalUse] -- ^ With these signals already applied to it
State.put (apps, conds, n+1)
return n
+genSignalUses ::
+ Type.Type
+ -> FlattenState SignalUseMap
+genSignalUses ty = do
+ typeMapToUseMap tymap
+ where
+ -- First generate a map with the right structure containing the types
+ tymap = mkHsValueMap ty
+typeMapToUseMap ::
+ HsValueMap Type.Type
+ -> FlattenState SignalUseMap
+typeMapToUseMap (Single ty) = do
+ id <- genSignalId
+ return $ Single (SignalUse id)
+typeMapToUseMap (Tuple tymaps) = do
+ usemaps <- mapM typeMapToUseMap tymaps
+ return $ Tuple usemaps
-- | Flatten a haskell function
flattenFunction ::
HsFunction -- ^ The function to flatten
-> CoreExpr
-> FlattenState ([SignalDefMap], SignalUseMap)
+flattenExpr binds lam@(Lam b expr) = do
+ -- Find the type of the binder
+ let (arg_ty, _) = Type.splitFunTy (CoreUtils.exprType lam)
+ -- Create signal names for the binder
+ defs <- genSignalUses arg_ty
+ let binds' = (b, Left defs):binds
+ flattenExpr binds' expr
flattenExpr _ _ = do
return ([], Tuple [])
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