module Pretty (prettyShow) where
+import qualified CoreSyn
import Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJClass
+import Outputable ( showSDoc, ppr, Outputable, OutputableBndr)
import Flatten
import TranslatorTypes
ppfunc (hsfunc, (flatfunc)) =
pPrint hsfunc $+$ (text "Flattened: " $$ nest 15 (pPrint flatfunc))
+instance (OutputableBndr b) => Pretty (CoreSyn.Bind b) where
+ pPrint (CoreSyn.NonRec b expr) =
+ text "NonRec: " $$ nest 10 (prettyBind (b, expr))
+ pPrint (CoreSyn.Rec binds) =
+ text "Rec: " $$ nest 10 (vcat $ map (prettyBind) binds)
+prettyBind :: (Outputable b, Outputable e) => (b, e) -> Doc
+prettyBind (b, expr) =
+ text b' <> text " = " <> text expr'
+ where
+ b' = showSDoc $ ppr b
+ expr' = showSDoc $ ppr expr
core <- GHC.compileToCoreSimplified "Adders.hs"
--liftIO $ printBinds (cm_binds core)
let binds = Maybe.mapMaybe (findBind (cm_binds core)) ["sfull_adder"]
- liftIO $ printBinds binds
+ liftIO $ putStr $ prettyShow binds
-- Turn bind into VHDL
let (vhdl, sess) = State.runState (mkVHDL binds) (VHDLSession 0 [])
liftIO $ putStr $ render $ ForSyDe.Backend.Ppr.ppr vhdl
-printTarget (Target (TargetFile file (Just x)) obj Nothing) =
- print $ show file
-printBinds [] = putStr "done\n\n"
-printBinds (b:bs) = do
- printBind b
- putStr "\n"
- printBinds bs
-printBind (NonRec b expr) = do
- putStr "NonRec: "
- printBind' (b, expr)
-printBind (Rec binds) = do
- putStr "Rec: \n"
- foldl1 (>>) (map printBind' binds)
-printBind' (b, expr) = do
- putStr $ getOccString b
- putStr $ showSDoc $ ppr expr
- putStr "\n"
findBind :: [CoreBind] -> String -> Maybe CoreBind
findBind binds lookfor =
-- This ignores Recs and compares the name of the bind with lookfor,