-- Standard modules
import Debug.Trace
-import qualified List
import qualified Maybe
import qualified Control.Monad as Monad
import qualified CoreUtils
import qualified Type
import qualified Id
-import qualified CoreSubst
+import qualified UniqSet
+import qualified CoreFVs
import Outputable ( showSDoc, ppr, nest )
-- Local imports
import NormalizeTools
import CoreTools
+-- Start of transformations
+-- η abstraction
+eta, etatop :: Transform
+eta expr | is_fun expr && not (is_lam expr) = do
+ let arg_ty = (fst . Type.splitFunTy . CoreUtils.exprType) expr
+ id <- mkInternalVar "param" arg_ty
+ change (Lam id (App expr (Var id)))
+-- Leave all other expressions unchanged
+eta e = return e
+etatop = notapplied ("eta", eta)
+-- β-reduction
+beta, betatop :: Transform
+-- Substitute arg for x in expr
+beta (App (Lam x expr) arg) = change $ substitute [(x, arg)] expr
+-- Propagate the application into the let
+beta (App (Let binds expr) arg) = change $ Let binds (App expr arg)
+-- Propagate the application into each of the alternatives
+beta (App (Case scrut b ty alts) arg) = change $ Case scrut b ty' alts'
+ where
+ alts' = map (\(con, bndrs, expr) -> (con, bndrs, (App expr arg))) alts
+ (_, ty') = Type.splitFunTy ty
+-- Leave all other expressions unchanged
+beta expr = return expr
+-- Perform this transform everywhere
+betatop = everywhere ("beta", beta)
+-- let recursification
+letrec, letrectop :: Transform
+letrec (Let (NonRec b expr) res) = change $ Let (Rec [(b, expr)]) res
+-- Leave all other expressions unchanged
+letrec expr = return expr
+-- Perform this transform everywhere
+letrectop = everywhere ("letrec", letrec)
+-- let simplification
+letsimpl, letsimpltop :: Transform
+-- Don't simplifiy lets that are already simple
+letsimpl expr@(Let _ (Var _)) = return expr
+-- Put the "in ..." value of a let in its own binding, but not when the
+-- expression has a function type (to prevent loops with inlinefun).
+letsimpl (Let (Rec binds) expr) | not $ is_fun expr = do
+ id <- mkInternalVar "foo" (CoreUtils.exprType expr)
+ let bind = (id, expr)
+ change $ Let (Rec (bind:binds)) (Var id)
+-- Leave all other expressions unchanged
+letsimpl expr = return expr
+-- Perform this transform everywhere
+letsimpltop = everywhere ("letsimpl", letsimpl)
+-- let flattening
+letflat, letflattop :: Transform
+letflat (Let (Rec binds) expr) = do
+ -- Turn each binding into a list of bindings (possibly containing just one
+ -- element, of course)
+ bindss <- Monad.mapM flatbind binds
+ -- Concat all the bindings
+ let binds' = concat bindss
+ -- Return the new let. We don't use change here, since possibly nothing has
+ -- changed. If anything has changed, flatbind has already flagged that
+ -- change.
+ return $ Let (Rec binds') expr
+ where
+ -- Turns a binding of a let into a multiple bindings, or any other binding
+ -- into a list with just that binding
+ flatbind :: (CoreBndr, CoreExpr) -> TransformMonad [(CoreBndr, CoreExpr)]
+ flatbind (b, Let (Rec binds) expr) = change ((b, expr):binds)
+ flatbind (b, expr) = return [(b, expr)]
+-- Leave all other expressions unchanged
+letflat expr = return expr
+-- Perform this transform everywhere
+letflattop = everywhere ("letflat", letflat)
+-- Simple let binding removal
+-- Remove a = b bindings from let expressions everywhere
+letremovetop :: Transform
+letremovetop = everywhere ("letremove", inlinebind (\(b, e) -> case e of (Var v) -> True; otherwise -> False))
+-- Function inlining
+-- Remove a = B bindings, with B :: a -> b, from let expressions everywhere.
+-- This is a tricky function, which is prone to create loops in the
+-- transformations. To fix this, we make sure that no transformation will
+-- create a new let binding with a function type. These other transformations
+-- will just not work on those function-typed values at first, but the other
+-- transformations (in particular β-reduction) should make sure that the type
+-- of those values eventually becomes primitive.
+inlinefuntop :: Transform
+inlinefuntop = everywhere ("inlinefun", inlinebind (Type.isFunTy . CoreUtils.exprType . snd))
+-- Scrutinee simplification
+scrutsimpl,scrutsimpltop :: Transform
+-- Don't touch scrutinees that are already simple
+scrutsimpl expr@(Case (Var _) _ _ _) = return expr
+-- Replace all other cases with a let that binds the scrutinee and a new
+-- simple scrutinee, but not when the scrutinee is a function type (to prevent
+-- loops with inlinefun, though I don't think a scrutinee can have a function
+-- type...)
+scrutsimpl (Case scrut b ty alts) | not $ is_fun scrut = do
+ id <- mkInternalVar "scrut" (CoreUtils.exprType scrut)
+ change $ Let (Rec [(id, scrut)]) (Case (Var id) b ty alts)
+-- Leave all other expressions unchanged
+scrutsimpl expr = return expr
+-- Perform this transform everywhere
+scrutsimpltop = everywhere ("scrutsimpl", scrutsimpl)
+-- Case binder wildening
+casewild, casewildtop :: Transform
+casewild expr@(Case scrut b ty alts) = do
+ (bindingss, alts') <- (Monad.liftM unzip) $ mapM doalt alts
+ let bindings = concat bindingss
+ -- Replace the case with a let with bindings and a case
+ let newlet = (Let (Rec bindings) (Case scrut b ty alts'))
+ -- If there are no non-wild binders, or this case is already a simple
+ -- selector (i.e., a single alt with exactly one binding), already a simple
+ -- selector altan no bindings (i.e., no wild binders in the original case),
+ -- don't change anything, otherwise, replace the case.
+ if null bindings || length alts == 1 && length bindings == 1 then return expr else change newlet
+ where
+ -- Generate a single wild binder, since they are all the same
+ wild = Id.mkWildId
+ -- Wilden the binders of one alt, producing a list of bindings as a
+ -- sideeffect.
+ doalt :: CoreAlt -> TransformMonad ([(CoreBndr, CoreExpr)], CoreAlt)
+ doalt (con, bndrs, expr) = do
+ bindings_maybe <- Monad.zipWithM mkextracts bndrs [0..]
+ let bindings = Maybe.catMaybes bindings_maybe
+ -- We replace the binders with wild binders only. We can leave expr
+ -- unchanged, since the new bindings bind the same vars as the original
+ -- did.
+ let newalt = (con, wildbndrs, expr)
+ return (bindings, newalt)
+ where
+ -- Make all binders wild
+ wildbndrs = map (\bndr -> Id.mkWildId (Id.idType bndr)) bndrs
+ -- Creates a case statement to retrieve the ith element from the scrutinee
+ -- and binds that to b.
+ mkextracts :: CoreBndr -> Int -> TransformMonad (Maybe (CoreBndr, CoreExpr))
+ mkextracts b i =
+ if is_wild b || Type.isFunTy (Id.idType b)
+ -- Don't create extra bindings for binders that are already wild, or
+ -- for binders that bind function types (to prevent loops with
+ -- inlinefun).
+ then return Nothing
+ else do
+ -- Create on new binder that will actually capture a value in this
+ -- case statement, and return it
+ let bty = (Id.idType b)
+ id <- mkInternalVar "sel" bty
+ let binders = take i wildbndrs ++ [id] ++ drop (i+1) wildbndrs
+ return $ Just (b, Case scrut b bty [(con, binders, Var id)])
+-- Leave all other expressions unchanged
+casewild expr = return expr
+-- Perform this transform everywhere
+casewildtop = everywhere ("casewild", casewild)
+-- Case value simplification
+casevalsimpl, casevalsimpltop :: Transform
+casevalsimpl expr@(Case scrut b ty alts) = do
+ -- Try to simplify each alternative, resulting in an optional binding and a
+ -- new alternative.
+ (bindings_maybe, alts') <- (Monad.liftM unzip) $ mapM doalt alts
+ let bindings = Maybe.catMaybes bindings_maybe
+ -- Create a new let around the case, that binds of the cases values.
+ let newlet = Let (Rec bindings) (Case scrut b ty alts')
+ -- If there were no values that needed and allowed simplification, don't
+ -- change the case.
+ if null bindings then return expr else change newlet
+ where
+ doalt :: CoreAlt -> TransformMonad (Maybe (CoreBndr, CoreExpr), CoreAlt)
+ -- Don't simplify values that are already simple
+ doalt alt@(con, bndrs, Var _) = return (Nothing, alt)
+ -- Simplify each alt by creating a new id, binding the case value to it and
+ -- replacing the case value with that id. Only do this when the case value
+ -- does not use any of the binders bound by this alternative, for that would
+ -- cause those binders to become unbound when moving the value outside of
+ -- the case statement. Also, don't create a binding for function-typed
+ -- expressions, to prevent loops with inlinefun.
+ doalt (con, bndrs, expr) | (not usesvars) && (not $ is_fun expr) = do
+ id <- mkInternalVar "caseval" (CoreUtils.exprType expr)
+ -- We don't flag a change here, since casevalsimpl will do that above
+ -- based on Just we return here.
+ return $ (Just (id, expr), (con, bndrs, Var id))
+ -- Find if any of the binders are used by expr
+ where usesvars = (not . UniqSet.isEmptyUniqSet . (CoreFVs.exprSomeFreeVars (`elem` bndrs))) expr
+ -- Don't simplify anything else
+ doalt alt = return (Nothing, alt)
+-- Leave all other expressions unchanged
+casevalsimpl expr = return expr
+-- Perform this transform everywhere
+casevalsimpltop = everywhere ("casevalsimpl", casevalsimpl)
+-- Case removal
+-- Remove case statements that have only a single alternative and only wild
+-- binders.
+caseremove, caseremovetop :: Transform
+-- Replace a useless case by the value of its single alternative
+caseremove (Case scrut b ty [(con, bndrs, expr)]) | not usesvars = change expr
+ -- Find if any of the binders are used by expr
+ where usesvars = (not . UniqSet.isEmptyUniqSet . (CoreFVs.exprSomeFreeVars (`elem` bndrs))) expr
+-- Leave all other expressions unchanged
+caseremove expr = return expr
+-- Perform this transform everywhere
+caseremovetop = everywhere ("caseremove", caseremove)
+-- Application simplification
+-- Make sure that all arguments in an application are simple variables.
+appsimpl, appsimpltop :: Transform
+-- Don't simplify arguments that are already simple
+appsimpl expr@(App f (Var _)) = return expr
+-- Simplify all arguments that do not have a function type (to prevent loops
+-- with inlinefun) and is not a type argument. Do this by introducing a new
+-- Let that binds the argument and passing the new binder in the application.
+appsimpl (App f expr) | (not $ is_fun expr) && (not $ CoreSyn.isTypeArg expr) = do
+ id <- mkInternalVar "arg" (CoreUtils.exprType expr)
+ change $ Let (Rec [(id, expr)]) (App f (Var id))
+-- Leave all other expressions unchanged
+appsimpl expr = return expr
+-- Perform this transform everywhere
+appsimpltop = everywhere ("appsimpl", appsimpl)
+-- TODO: introduce top level let if needed?
+-- End of transformations
-- What transforms to run?
-transforms = []
+transforms = [etatop, betatop, letremovetop, letrectop, letsimpltop, letflattop, casewildtop, scrutsimpltop, casevalsimpltop, caseremovetop, inlinefuntop, appsimpltop]
-- Normalize a core expression by running transforms until none applies
-- anymore. Uses a UniqSupply to generate new identifiers.