-- There must be a let at top level
let (CoreSyn.Let binds (CoreSyn.Var res)) = letexpr
res' <- mkMap res
- let ent_decl' = createEntityAST fname args' res'
+ let vhdl_id = mkVHDLBasicId $ bndrToString fname
+ let ent_decl' = createEntityAST vhdl_id args' res'
let AST.EntityDec entity_id _ = ent_decl'
let signature = Entity entity_id args' res'
- modA vsSignatures (Map.insert (bndrToString fname) signature)
+ modA vsSignatures (Map.insert fname signature)
return ent_decl'
- mkMap ::
+ mkMap ::
--[(SignalId, SignalInfo)]
-> VHDLState VHDLSignalMapElement
-- | Create the VHDL AST for an entity
createEntityAST ::
- CoreSyn.CoreBndr -- | The name of the function
+ AST.VHDLId -- | The name of the function
-> [VHDLSignalMapElement] -- | The entity's arguments
-> VHDLSignalMapElement -- | The entity's result
-> AST.EntityDec -- | The entity with the ent_decl filled in as well
-createEntityAST name args res =
+createEntityAST vhdl_id args res =
AST.EntityDec vhdl_id ports
-- Create a basic Id, since VHDL doesn't grok filenames with extended Ids.
- vhdl_id = mkVHDLBasicId $ bndrToString name
ports = Maybe.catMaybes $
map (mkIfaceSigDec AST.In) args
++ [mkIfaceSigDec AST.Out res]
-> VHDLState AST.ArchBody -- ^ The architecture for this function
createArchitecture (fname, expr) = do
- --signaturemap <- getA vsSignatures
- --let signature = Maybe.fromMaybe
- -- (error $ "Generating architecture for function " ++ (prettyShow hsfunc) ++ "without signature? This should not happen!")
- -- (Map.lookup hsfunc signaturemap)
- let entity_id = mkVHDLBasicId $ bndrToString fname
+ signaturemap <- getA vsSignatures
+ let signature = Maybe.fromMaybe
+ (error $ "Generating architecture for function " ++ (pprString fname) ++ "without signature? This should not happen!")
+ (Map.lookup fname signaturemap)
+ let entity_id = ent_id signature
-- Strip off lambda's, these will be arguments
let (args, letexpr) = CoreSyn.collectBinders expr
-- There must be a let at top level
signature = Maybe.fromMaybe
(error $ "Using function '" ++ (bndrToString f) ++ "' without signature? This should not happen!")
- (Map.lookup (bndrToString f) signatures)
+ (Map.lookup f signatures)
entity_id = ent_id signature
label = bndrToString bndr
-- Add a clk port if we have state