{-# ANN cpu TopEntity #-}
{-# ANN cpu (InitState 'cpuState) #-}
-cpu :: CpuState -> Word -> Vector D4 (Index D6, Index D6)
+cpu :: CpuState -> Word -> Vector D4 (Index D6, Index D6) -> Opcode
-> (CpuState, Word)
-cpu (State fuss) input addrs = (State fuss', out)
+cpu (State fuss) input addrs opc = (State fuss', out)
- fuss' = (fu const inputs (addrs!(0 :: Index D3))) +> (
+ fuss' = (fu (multiop opc) inputs (addrs!(0 :: Index D3))) +> (
(fu (+) inputs (addrs!(1 :: Index D3))) +> (
(fu (-) inputs (addrs!(2 :: Index D3))) +> (
(fu (*) inputs (addrs!(3 :: Index D3))) +> empty)))
out = head fuss
cpuState :: Vector D4 Word
-cpuState = copy 0
\ No newline at end of file
+cpuState = copy 0
+data Opcode = Shift | Xor | Equal
+multiop :: Opcode -> Word -> Word -> Word
+multiop opc a b = case opc of
+ Shift -> shift a b
+ Xor -> xor a b
+ Equal | a == b -> 1
+ | otherwise -> 0
+-- Placeholders, since we don't have these operations
+xor = const
+shift = const
\subsection{Higher order CPU}
+The following simple CPU is an example of user-defined higher order
+functions and pattern matching. The CPU consists of four function units,
+of which three have a fixed function and one can perform some less
+common operations.
+The CPU contains a number of data sources, represented by the horizontal
+lines in figure TODO:REF. These data sources offer the previous outputs
+of each function units, along with the single data input the cpu has and
+two fixed intialization values.
+Each of the function units has both its operands connected to all data
+sources, and can be programmed to select any data source for either
+operand. In addition, the leftmost function unit has an additional
+opcode input to select the operation it performs. Its output is also the
+output of the entire cpu.
+Looking at the code, the function unit is the most simple. It arranges
+the operand selection for the function unit. Note that it does not
+define the actual operation that takes place inside the function unit,
+but simply accepts the (higher order) argument "op" which is a function
+of two arguments that defines the operation.
fu op inputs (addr1, addr2) = regIn
regIn = op in1 in2
+The multiop function defines the operation that takes place in the
+leftmost function unit. It is essentially a simple three operation alu
+that makes good use of pattern matching and guards in its description.
+The \hs{shift} function used here shifts its first operand by the number
+of bits indicated in the second operand, the \hs{xor} function produces
+the bitwise xor of its operands.
+data Opcode = Shift | Xor | Equal
+multiop :: Opcode -> Word -> Word -> Word
+multiop opc a b = case opc of
+ Shift -> shift a b
+ Xor -> xor a b
+ Equal | a == b -> 1
+ | otherwise -> 0
+The cpu function ties everything together. It applies the \hs{fu}
+function four times, to create a different function unit each time. The
+first application is interesting, because it does not just pass a
+function to \hs{fu}, but a partial application of \hs{multiop}. This
+shows how the first funcition unit effectively gets an extra input,
+compared to the others.
+The vector \hs{inputs} is the set of data sources, which is passed to
+each function unit for operand selection. The cpu also receives a vector
+of address pairs, which are used by each function unit to select their
+operand. The application of the function units to the \hs{inputs} and
+\hs{addrs} arguments seems quite repetive and could be rewritten to use
+a combination of the \hs{map} and \hs{zipwith} functions instead.
+However, the prototype does not currently support working with lists of
+functions, so the more explicit version of the code is given instead).
type CpuState = State [Word | 4]
-cpu :: CpuState -> Word -> [(Index 6, Index 6) | 4]
- -> (CpuState, Word)
-cpu (State regsOut) input addrs = (State regsIn, out)
+cpu :: CpuState -> Word -> [(Index 6, Index 6) | 4]
+ -> Opcode -> (CpuState, Word)
+cpu (State s) input addrs opc = (State s', out)
- regsIn = [ fu const inputs (addrs!0)
- , fu (+) inputs (addrs!1)
- , fu (-) inputs (addrs!2)
- , fu (*) inputs (addrs!3)
- ]
- inputs = 0 +> (1 +> (input +> regsOut))
- out = head regsOut
+ s' = [ fu (multiop opc) inputs (addrs!0)
+ , fu (+) inputs (addrs!1)
+ , fu (-) inputs (addrs!2)
+ , fu (*) inputs (addrs!3)
+ ]
+ inputs = 0 +> (1 +> (input +> s))
+ out = head s'
+Of course, this is still a simple example, but it could form the basis
+of an actual design, in which the same techniques can be reused.
\section{Related work}
This section describes the features of existing (functional) hardware
description languages and highlights the advantages that this research has