flattenBind _ (Rec _) = error "Recursive binders not supported"
flattenBind hsfunc bind@(NonRec var expr) = do
+ -- Add the function to the session
+ addFunc hsfunc
-- Flatten the function
let flatfunc = flattenFunction hsfunc bind
- addFunc hsfunc
- setFlatFunc hsfunc flatfunc
- let used_hsfuncs = Maybe.mapMaybe usedHsFunc (flat_defs flatfunc)
+ -- Propagate state variables
+ let flatfunc' = propagateState hsfunc flatfunc
+ -- Store the flat function in the session
+ setFlatFunc hsfunc flatfunc'
+ -- Flatten any functions used
+ let used_hsfuncs = Maybe.mapMaybe usedHsFunc (flat_defs flatfunc')
State.mapM resolvFunc used_hsfuncs
return ()
+-- | Decide which incoming state variables will become state in the
+-- given function, and which will be propagate to other applied
+-- functions.
+propagateState ::
+ HsFunction
+ -> FlatFunction
+ -> FlatFunction
+propagateState hsfunc flatfunc =
+ flatfunc {flat_defs = apps'}
+ where
+ apps = filter is_FApp (flat_defs flatfunc)
+ apps' = map (propagateState' ()) apps
+-- | Propagate the state into a single function application.
+propagateState' ::
+ ()
+ -> SigDef -- ^ The function application to process. Must be
+ -- a FApp constructor.
+ -> SigDef -- ^ The resulting application.
+propagateState' _ d = d
-- | Find the given function, flatten it and add it to the session. Then
-- (recursively) do the same for any functions used.
resolvFunc ::