hwfunc <- mkHWFunction bind hsfunc
-- Add it to the session
addFunc hsfunc hwfunc
- arch <- getArchitecture hwfunc expr
+ arch <- getArchitecture hsfunc hwfunc expr
let entity = getEntity hwfunc
return $ [
AST.LUEntity entity,
AST.LUArch arch ]
getArchitecture ::
- HWFunction -- The function to generate an architecture for
+ HsFunction -- The function interface
+ -> HWFunction -- The function to generate an architecture for
-> CoreExpr -- The expression that is bound to the function
-> VHDLState AST.ArchBody -- The resulting architecture
-getArchitecture hwfunc expr = do
+getArchitecture hsfunc hwfunc expr = do
-- Unpack our hwfunc
let HWFunction vhdl_id inports outport = hwfunc
-- Expand the expression into an architecture body
(signal_decls, statements, arg_signals, res_signal) <- expandExpr [] expr
- let inport_assigns = concat $ zipWith createSignalAssignments arg_signals inports
- let outport_assigns = createSignalAssignments outport res_signal
+ let (inport_assigns, instate_map) = concat_elements $ unzip $ zipWith3 createSignalAssignments arg_signals inports (hsArgs hsfunc)
+ let (outport_assigns, outstate_map) = createSignalAssignments outport res_signal (hsRes hsfunc)
return $ AST.ArchBody
(AST.unsafeVHDLBasicId "structural")
(AST.NSimple vhdl_id)
-- Create concurrent assignments of one map of signals to another. The maps
-- should have a similar form.
createSignalAssignments ::
- SignalNameMap -- The signals to assign to
- -> SignalNameMap -- The signals to assign
- -> [AST.ConcSm] -- The resulting assignments
+ SignalNameMap -- The signals to assign to
+ -> SignalNameMap -- The signals to assign
+ -> HsUseMap -- What function does each of the signals have?
+ -> ([AST.ConcSm], -- The resulting assignments
+ [(Int, AST.VHDLId)]) -- The resulting state -> signal mappings
-- A simple assignment of one signal to another (greatly complicated because
-- signal assignments can be conditional with multiple conditions in VHDL).
-createSignalAssignments (Single (dst, _)) (Single (src, _)) =
- [AST.CSSASm assign]
+createSignalAssignments (Single (dst, _)) (Single (src, _)) (Single Port)=
+ ([AST.CSSASm assign], [])
src_name = AST.NSimple src
src_expr = AST.PrimName src_name
dst_name = (AST.NSimple dst)
assign = dst_name AST.:<==: (AST.ConWforms [] src_wform Nothing)
-createSignalAssignments (Tuple dsts) (Tuple srcs) =
- concat $ zipWith createSignalAssignments dsts srcs
+createSignalAssignments (Tuple dsts) (Tuple srcs) (Tuple uses) =
+ concat_elements $ unzip $ zipWith3 createSignalAssignments dsts srcs uses
-createSignalAssignments Unused (Single (src, _)) =
+createSignalAssignments Unused (Single (src, _)) (Single (State n)) =
-- Write state
- []
+ ([], [(n, src)])
-createSignalAssignments (Single (src, _)) Unused =
+createSignalAssignments (Single (dst, _)) Unused (Single (State n)) =
-- Read state
- []
+ ([], [(n, dst)])
-createSignalAssignments dst src =
- error $ "Non matching source and destination: " ++ show dst ++ " <= " ++ show src
+createSignalAssignments dst src use =
+ error $ "Non matching source and destination: " ++ show dst ++ " <= " ++ show src ++ " (Used as " ++ show use ++ ")"
type SignalNameMap = HsValueMap (AST.VHDLId, AST.TypeMark)
mkVHDLId :: String -> AST.VHDLId
mkVHDLId = AST.unsafeVHDLBasicId
+-- Concatenate each of the lists of lists inside the given tuple.
+-- Since the element types in the lists might differ, we can't generalize
+-- this (unless we pass in f twice).
+concat_elements :: ([[a]], [[b]]) -> ([a], [b])
+concat_elements (a, b) = (concat a, concat b)
builtin_funcs =
(HsFunction "hwxor" [(Single Port), (Single Port)] (Single Port), HWFunction (mkVHDLId "hwxor") [Single (mkVHDLId "a", vhdl_bit_ty), Single (mkVHDLId "b", vhdl_bit_ty)] (Single (mkVHDLId "o", vhdl_bit_ty))),