-- Case binder wildening
-casewild, casewildtop :: Transform
--- Make sure that all case alternatives have only wild binders, except for
--- simple selector cases (e.g., case x of (a, ) -> a). This is done by
--- creating a new let binding for each non-wild binder, which is bound to a
--- new simple selector case statement. We do this only for binders with a
--- representable type, to prevent loops with inlinenonrep.
-casewild expr@(Case scrut b ty alts) = do
+casesimpl, casesimpltop :: Transform
+-- This is already a selector case (or, if x does not appear in bndrs, a very
+-- simple case statement that will be removed by caseremove below). Just leave
+-- it be.
+casesimpl expr@(Case scrut b ty [(con, bndrs, Var x)]) = return expr
+-- Make sure that all case alternatives have only wild binders and simple
+-- expressions.
+-- This is done by creating a new let binding for each non-wild binder, which
+-- is bound to a new simple selector case statement and for each complex
+-- expression. We do this only for representable types, to prevent loops with
+-- inlinenonrep.
+casesimpl expr@(Case scrut b ty alts) = do
(bindingss, alts') <- (Monad.liftM unzip) $ mapM doalt alts
let bindings = concat bindingss
-- Replace the case with a let with bindings and a case
-- selector (i.e., a single alt with exactly one binding), already a simple
-- selector altan no bindings (i.e., no wild binders in the original case),
-- don't change anything, otherwise, replace the case.
- if null bindings || length alts == 1 && length bindings == 1 then return expr else change newlet
+ if null bindings then return expr else change newlet
-- Generate a single wild binder, since they are all the same
wild = MkCore.mkWildBinder
-- sideeffect.
doalt :: CoreAlt -> TransformMonad ([(CoreBndr, CoreExpr)], CoreAlt)
doalt (con, bndrs, expr) = do
- extracts <- Monad.zipWithM mkextracts bndrs [0..]
- let (newbndrs, bindings_maybe) = unzip extracts
- let bindings = Maybe.catMaybes bindings_maybe
- -- Note that we leave expr unchanged, even though most binders will have
- -- become wild. The binders that were previously bound by the case
- -- alternative, will now be bound in a surrounding let expression (e.g.,
- -- by bindings).
- let newalt = (con, newbndrs, expr)
+ -- Make each binder wild, if possible
+ bndrs_res <- Monad.zipWithM dobndr bndrs [0..]
+ let (newbndrs, bindings_maybe) = unzip bndrs_res
+ -- Extract a complex expression, if possible. For this we check if any of
+ -- the new list of bndrs are used by expr. We can't use free_vars here,
+ -- since that looks at the old bndrs.
+ let uses_bndrs = not $ VarSet.isEmptyVarSet $ CoreFVs.exprSomeFreeVars (`elem` newbndrs) $ expr
+ (exprbinding_maybe, expr') <- doexpr expr uses_bndrs
+ -- Create a new alternative
+ let newalt = (con, newbndrs, expr')
+ let bindings = Maybe.catMaybes (exprbinding_maybe : bindings_maybe)
return (bindings, newalt)
- -- Make all binders wild
+ -- Make wild alternatives for each binder
wildbndrs = map (\bndr -> MkCore.mkWildBinder (Id.idType bndr)) bndrs
-- A set of all the binders that are used by the expression
free_vars = CoreFVs.exprSomeFreeVars (`elem` bndrs) expr
-- Look at the ith binder in the case alternative. Return a new binder
-- for it (either the same one, or a wild one) and optionally a let
- -- binding with a case expression.
- mkextracts :: CoreBndr -> Int -> TransformMonad (CoreBndr, Maybe (CoreBndr, CoreExpr))
- mkextracts b i = do
+ -- binding containing a case expression.
+ dobndr :: CoreBndr -> Int -> TransformMonad (CoreBndr, Maybe (CoreBndr, CoreExpr))
+ dobndr b i = do
repr <- isRepr (Var b)
-- Is b wild (e.g., not a free var of expr. Since b is only in scope
-- in expr, this means that b is unused if expr does not use it.)
let wild = not (VarSet.elemVarSet b free_vars)
-- Create a new binding for any representable binder that is not
- -- already wild.
+ -- already wild and is representable (to prevent loops with
+ -- inlinenonrep).
if (not wild) && repr
then do
-- Create on new binder that will actually capture a value in this
-- Just leave the original binder in place, and don't generate an
-- extra selector case.
return (b, Nothing)
+ -- Process the expression of a case alternative. Accepts an expression
+ -- and whether this expression uses any of the binders in the
+ -- alternative. Returns an optional new binding and a new expression.
+ doexpr :: CoreExpr -> Bool -> TransformMonad (Maybe (CoreBndr, CoreExpr), CoreExpr)
+ doexpr expr uses_bndrs = do
+ local_var <- Trans.lift $ is_local_var expr
+ repr <- isRepr expr
+ -- Extract any expressions that do not use any binders from this
+ -- alternative, is not a local var already and is representable (to
+ -- prevent loops with inlinenonrep).
+ if (not uses_bndrs) && (not local_var) && repr
+ then do
+ id <- mkInternalVar "caseval" (CoreUtils.exprType expr)
+ -- We don't flag a change here, since casevalsimpl will do that above
+ -- based on Just we return here.
+ return $ (Just (id, expr), Var id)
+ else
+ -- Don't simplify anything else
+ return (Nothing, expr)
-- Leave all other expressions unchanged
-casewild expr = return expr
--- Perform this transform everywhere
-casewildtop = everywhere ("casewild", casewild)
--- Case value simplification
-casevalsimpl, casevalsimpltop :: Transform
-casevalsimpl expr@(Case scrut b ty alts) = do
- -- Try to simplify each alternative, resulting in an optional binding and a
- -- new alternative.
- (bindings_maybe, alts') <- (Monad.liftM unzip) $ mapM doalt alts
- let bindings = Maybe.catMaybes bindings_maybe
- -- Create a new let around the case, that binds of the cases values.
- let newlet = Let (Rec bindings) (Case scrut b ty alts')
- -- If there were no values that needed and allowed simplification, don't
- -- change the case.
- if null bindings then return expr else change newlet
- where
- doalt :: CoreAlt -> TransformMonad (Maybe (CoreBndr, CoreExpr), CoreAlt)
- -- Don't simplify values that are already simple
- doalt alt@(con, bndrs, Var _) = return (Nothing, alt)
- -- Simplify each alt by creating a new id, binding the case value to it and
- -- replacing the case value with that id. Only do this when the case value
- -- does not use any of the binders bound by this alternative, for that would
- -- cause those binders to become unbound when moving the value outside of
- -- the case statement. Also, don't create a binding for non-representable
- -- expressions, to prevent loops with inlinenonrep.
- doalt alt@(con, bndrs, expr) = do
- repr <- isRepr expr
- -- Find if any of the binders are used by expr
- let usesvars = (not . VarSet.isEmptyVarSet . (CoreFVs.exprSomeFreeVars (`elem` bndrs))) expr
- if (not usesvars && repr)
- then do
- id <- mkInternalVar "caseval" (CoreUtils.exprType expr)
- -- We don't flag a change here, since casevalsimpl will do that above
- -- based on Just we return here.
- return $ (Just (id, expr), (con, bndrs, Var id))
- else
- -- Don't simplify anything else
- return (Nothing, alt)
--- Leave all other expressions unchanged
-casevalsimpl expr = return expr
+casesimpl expr = return expr
-- Perform this transform everywhere
-casevalsimpltop = everywhere ("casevalsimpl", casevalsimpl)
+casesimpltop = everywhere ("casesimpl", casesimpl)
-- Case removal
-- What transforms to run?
-transforms = [argproptop, funextracttop, etatop, betatop, castproptop, letremovetop, letrectop, letsimpltop, letflattop, casewildtop, scrutsimpltop, casevalsimpltop, caseremovetop, inlinenonreptop, appsimpltop]
+transforms = [argproptop, funextracttop, etatop, betatop, castproptop, letremovetop, letrectop, letsimpltop, letflattop, scrutsimpltop, casesimpltop, caseremovetop, inlinenonreptop, appsimpltop]
-- Turns the given bind into VHDL
normalizeModule ::