--core <- GHC.compileToCoreSimplified "Adders.hs"
core <- GHC.compileToCoreSimplified "Adders.hs"
liftIO $ printBinds (cm_binds core)
- let bind = Maybe.fromJust $ findBind (cm_binds core) "full_adder"
- let NonRec var expr = bind
+ let binds = Maybe.mapMaybe (findBind (cm_binds core)) ["full_adder", "half_adder"]
-- Turn bind into VHDL
- let vhdl = State.evalState (mkVHDL bind) (VHDLSession 0 builtin_funcs)
- liftIO $ putStr $ showSDoc $ ppr expr
- liftIO $ putStr "\n\n"
- liftIO $ putStr $ render $ ForSyDe.Backend.Ppr.ppr $ vhdl
- return expr
+ let vhdl = State.evalState (mkVHDL binds) (VHDLSession 0 builtin_funcs)
+ liftIO $ putStr $ concat $ map (render . ForSyDe.Backend.Ppr.ppr) vhdl
+ return ()
-- Turns the given bind into VHDL
- mkVHDL bind = do
- -- Get the function signature
- (name, f) <- mkHWFunction bind
- -- Add it to the session
- addFunc name f
- arch <- getArchitecture bind
- return arch
+ mkVHDL binds = do
+ -- Get the function signatures
+ funcs <- mapM mkHWFunction binds
+ -- Add them to the session
+ mapM (uncurry addFunc) funcs
+ -- Create architectures for them
+ mapM getArchitecture binds
printTarget (Target (TargetFile file (Just x)) obj Nothing) =
print $ show file