import logging as log
+class ConfigError(Exception):
+ """
+ An exception thrown when something is wrong with the config.
+ This is not thrown by the config module, but it is meant to be
+ thrown by handlers when they find something wrong with the
+ configuration contents.
+ """
+ pass
def get_global_config(opts):
Returns the global configuration, in a SafeConfigParser object.
""" Action superclass with common functionality """
-import sys
+import sys, ConfigParser
import logging as log
from backupninja import config
self.conf = config.load_config(filename, self.default_config)
+ def get_config_optional(self, section, option):
+ """
+ Returns the value of the given option. If the option was not set
+ (and no default was set in self.default_config), return None.
+ This is a convenience wrapper for ConfigParser.get(), since that
+ throws an exception on unset options.
+ """
+ try:
+ return self.conf.get(section, option)
+ except ConfigParser.NoOptionError:
+ return None
+ def get_config_mandatory(self, section, option):
+ """
+ Returns the value of the given option. If the option was not set
+ (and no default was set in self.default_config), raises a
+ backupninja.config.ConfigError.
+ This is a convenience wrapper for ConfigParser.get(), since that
+ has a very generic exception message on unknown options.
+ """
+ try:
+ return self.conf.get(section, option)
+ except ConfigParser.NoOptionError:
+ raise config.ConfigError("Option '%s' in section '%s' is mandatory, please configure it" % (option, section))
def create_action(ty):