xhwor = hwor
-type Op n e = (TFVec n e -> TFVec n e -> TFVec n e)
+type Op n e = (Vector n e -> Vector n e -> Vector n e)
type Opcode = Bit
{-# ANN sim_input TestInput#-}
-sim_input :: [(Opcode, TFVec D4 (SizedInt D8), TFVec D4 (SizedInt D8))]
+sim_input :: [(Opcode, Vector D4 (SizedInt D8), Vector D4 (SizedInt D8))]
sim_input = [ (High, $(vectorTH ([4,3,2,1]::[SizedInt D8])), $(vectorTH ([1,2,3,4]::[SizedInt D8])))
, (High, $(vectorTH ([4,3,2,1]::[SizedInt D8])), $(vectorTH ([1,2,3,4]::[SizedInt D8])))
, (Low, $(vectorTH ([4,3,2,1]::[SizedInt D8])), $(vectorTH ([1,2,3,4]::[SizedInt D8]))) ]
{-# ANN actual_alu InitState #-}
initstate = High
-alu :: Op n e -> Op n e -> Opcode -> TFVec n e -> TFVec n e -> TFVec n e
+alu :: Op n e -> Op n e -> Opcode -> Vector n e -> Vector n e -> Vector n e
alu op1 op2 opc a b =
case opc of
Low -> op1 a b
High -> op2 a b
{-# ANN actual_alu TopEntity #-}
-actual_alu :: (Opcode, TFVec D4 (SizedInt D8), TFVec D4 (SizedInt D8)) -> TFVec D4 (SizedInt D8)
+actual_alu :: (Opcode, Vector D4 (SizedInt D8), Vector D4 (SizedInt D8)) -> Vector D4 (SizedInt D8)
--actual_alu = alu (constant Low) andop
actual_alu (opc, a, b) = alu (anyset (+) (0 :: SizedInt D8)) (andop (-)) opc a b
, module Data.SizedWord
, module Prelude
, Bit(..)
+ , Vector
, hwand
, hwor
, hwxor
null, length, head, tail, last, init, take, drop, (++), map, foldl, foldr,
zipWith, zip, unzip, concat, reverse, iterate )
import Types
-import Data.Param.TFVec
+import qualified Data.Param.TFVec as TFVec
+import Data.Param.TFVec hiding (TFVec)
import Data.RangedWord
import Data.SizedInt
import Data.SizedWord
import Language.Haskell.TH.Lift
import Data.Typeable
+type Vector = TFVec.TFVec
-- The plain Bit type
data Bit = High | Low
deriving (P.Show, P.Eq, P.Read, Typeable)