tfp_to_int :: Type.Type -> TypeSession Int
tfp_to_int ty = do
hscenv <- MonadState.get tsHscEnv
- let norm_ty = normalise_tfp_int hscenv ty
+ let norm_ty = normalize_tfp_int hscenv ty
case Type.splitTyConApp_maybe norm_ty of
Just (tycon, args) -> do
let name = Name.getOccString (TyCon.tyConName tycon)
tfp_to_int' ty = do
lens <- MonadState.get tsTfpInts
hscenv <- MonadState.get tsHscEnv
- let norm_ty = normalise_tfp_int hscenv ty
+ let norm_ty = normalize_tfp_int hscenv ty
let existing_len = Map.lookup (OrdType norm_ty) lens
case existing_len of
Just len -> return len
libdir = DynFlags.topDir dynflags
dynflags = HscTypes.hsc_dflags env
-normalise_tfp_int :: HscTypes.HscEnv -> Type.Type -> Type.Type
-normalise_tfp_int env ty =
+normalize_tfp_int :: HscTypes.HscEnv -> Type.Type -> Type.Type
+normalize_tfp_int env ty =
System.IO.Unsafe.unsafePerformIO $
- normaliseType env ty
+ normalizeType env ty
-- | Get the width of a SizedWord type
-- sized_word_len :: HscTypes.HscEnv -> Type.Type -> Int
-- tcLookupId to find out.
TcEnv.tcLookupId name
-normaliseType ::
+normalizeType ::
-> Type.Type
-> IO Type.Type
-normaliseType env ty = do
+normalizeType env ty = do
(err, nty) <- MonadUtils.liftIO $
-- Initialize the typechecker monad
TcRnMonad.initTcPrintErrors env PrelNames.iNTERACTIVE $ do