genVarArgs ::
(dst -> func -> [Var.Var] -> res)
-> (dst -> func -> [Either CoreSyn.CoreExpr AST.Expr] -> res)
-genVarArgs wrap dst func args = wrap dst func args'
+genVarArgs wrap = genCoreArgs $ \dst func args -> let
+ args' = map exprToVar args
+ in
+ wrap dst func args'
+-- | A function to wrap a builder-like function that expects its arguments to
+-- be core expressions.
+genCoreArgs ::
+ (dst -> func -> [CoreSyn.CoreExpr] -> res)
+ -> (dst -> func -> [Either CoreSyn.CoreExpr AST.Expr] -> res)
+genCoreArgs wrap dst func args = wrap dst func args'
- args' = map exprToVar args''
-- Check (rather crudely) that all arguments are CoreExprs
- args'' = case Either.partitionEithers args of
+ args' = case Either.partitionEithers args of
(exprargs, []) -> exprargs
- (exprsargs, rest) -> error $ "\nGenerate.genVarArgs: expect varargs but found ast exprs:" ++ (show rest)
+ (exprsargs, rest) -> error $ "\nGenerate.genCoreArgs: expect core expression arguments but found ast exprs:" ++ (show rest)
-- | A function to wrap a builder-like function that expects its arguments to
-- be Literals