-- Inline all let bindings that satisfy the given condition
inlinebind :: ((CoreBndr, CoreExpr) -> TransformMonad Bool) -> Transform
-inlinebind condition expr@(Let (Rec binds) res) = do
- -- Find all bindings that adhere to the condition
- res_eithers <- mapM docond binds
- case Either.partitionEithers res_eithers of
- -- No replaces? No change
- ([], _) -> return expr
- (replace, others) -> do
- -- Substitute the to be replaced binders with their expression
- let newexpr = substitute replace (Let (Rec others) res)
- change newexpr
- where
- docond :: (CoreBndr, CoreExpr) -> TransformMonad (Either (CoreBndr, CoreExpr) (CoreBndr, CoreExpr))
- docond b = do
- res <- condition b
- return $ case res of True -> Left b; False -> Right b
+inlinebind condition expr@(Let (NonRec bndr expr') res) = do
+ applies <- condition (bndr, expr')
+ if applies
+ then
+ -- Substitute the binding in res and return that
+ change $ substitute [(bndr, expr')] res
+ else
+ -- Don't change this let
+ return expr
-- Leave all other expressions unchanged
inlinebind _ expr = return expr