import qualified TyCon
import qualified DataCon
import qualified Maybe
+import qualified Module
import Name
import Data.Generics
import NameEnv ( lookupNameEnv )
--core <- GHC.compileToCoreSimplified "Adders.hs"
core <- GHC.compileToCoreSimplified "Adders.hs"
liftIO $ printBinds (cm_binds core)
- let bind = findBind "no_carry_adder" (cm_binds core)
+ let bind = findBind "half_adder" (cm_binds core)
let NonRec var expr = bind
liftIO $ putStr $ showSDoc $ ppr expr
liftIO $ putStr "\n\n"
-- An application is an instantiation of a component
getInstantiations args outs binds app@(App expr arg) =
- --indent ++ "F:\n" ++ (getInstantiations (' ':indent) expr) ++ "\n" ++ indent ++ "A:\n" ++ (getInstantiations (' ':indent) arg) ++ "\n"
- "app : " ++ (getOccString f) ++ "\n"
- ++ "port map (\n"
- -- Map input ports of f
- ++ concat (zipWith (getPortMapEntry binds) ["portin0", "portin1"] args)
- -- Map output ports of f
- ++ mapOutputPorts (Port "portout") outs
- ++ ");\n"
+ if isTupleConstructor f then
+ let
+ Tuple outports = outs
+ (tys, vals) = splitTupleConstructorArgs fargs
+ in
+ concat $ zipWith
+ (\outs' expr' -> getInstantiations args outs' binds expr')
+ outports vals
+ else
+ --indent ++ "F:\n" ++ (getInstantiations (' ':indent) expr) ++ "\n" ++ indent ++ "A:\n" ++ (getInstantiations (' ':indent) arg) ++ "\n"
+ "app : " ++ (getOccString f) ++ "\n"
+ ++ "port map (\n"
+ -- Map input ports of f
+ ++ concat (zipWith (getPortMapEntry binds) ["portin0", "portin1"] fargs)
+ -- Map output ports of f
+ ++ mapOutputPorts (Port "portout") outs
+ ++ ");\n"
- ((Var f), args) = collectArgs app
+ ((Var f), fargs) = collectArgs app
getInstantiations args outs binds expr =
error $ "Unsupported expression" ++ (showSDoc $ ppr $ expr)
+-- Is the given name a (binary) tuple constructor
+isTupleConstructor :: Var.Var -> Bool
+isTupleConstructor var =
+ Name.isWiredInName name
+ && Name.nameModule name == tuple_mod
+ && (Name.occNameString $ Name.nameOccName name) == "(,)"
+ where
+ name = Var.varName var
+ mod = nameModule name
+ tuple_mod = Module.mkModule (Module.stringToPackageId "ghc-prim") (Module.mkModuleName "GHC.Tuple")
+-- Split arguments into type arguments and value arguments This is probably
+-- not really sufficient (not sure if Types can actually occur as value
+-- arguments...)
+splitTupleConstructorArgs :: [CoreExpr] -> ([CoreExpr], [CoreExpr])
+splitTupleConstructorArgs (e:es) =
+ case e of
+ Type t -> (e:tys, vals)
+ otherwise -> (tys, e:vals)
+ where
+ (tys, vals) = splitTupleConstructorArgs es
-- Map the output port of a component to the output port of the containing
-- entity.
mapOutputPorts (Port port) (Port signal) =