import qualified Serialized
import qualified Var
import qualified Outputable
+import Outputable(($+$), (<+>), nest, empty, text, vcat)
import qualified Class
-- Local Imports
import CLasH.Translator.Annotations
import CLasH.Utils
+-- How far to indent the values after a Foo: header
+align = 20
+-- How far to indent all lines after the first
+indent = 5
listBindings :: FilePath -> [FilePath] -> IO ()
listBindings libdir filenames = do
(cores,_,_) <- loadModules libdir filenames Nothing
mapM listClass classes
return ()
+-- Slightly different version of hang, that always uses vcat instead of
+-- sep, so the first line of d2 preserves its nesting.
+hang' d1 n d2 = vcat [d1, nest n d2]
listBinding :: (CoreSyn.CoreBndr, CoreSyn.CoreExpr) -> IO ()
-listBinding (b, e) = do
- putStr "\nBinder: "
- putStr $ show b ++ "[" ++ show (Var.varUnique b) ++ "]"
- putStr "\nType of Binder: \n"
- putStr $ Outputable.showSDoc $ Outputable.ppr $ Var.varType b
- putStr "\n\nExpression: \n"
- putStr $ prettyShow e
- putStr "\n\n"
- putStr $ Outputable.showSDoc $ Outputable.ppr e
- putStr "\n\nType of Expression: \n"
- putStr $ Outputable.showSDoc $ Outputable.ppr $ CoreUtils.exprType e
- putStr "\n\n"
+listBinding (b, e) = putStr $ Outputable.showSDoc $
+ (text "Binder:") <+> (text $ show b ++ "[" ++ show (Var.varUnique b) ++ "]")
+ $+$ nest indent (
+ hang' (text "Type of Binder:") align (Outputable.ppr $ Var.varType b)
+ $+$ hang' (text "Expression:") align (text $ prettyShow e)
+ $+$ nest align (Outputable.ppr e)
+ $+$ hang' (text "Type of Expression:") align (Outputable.ppr $ CoreUtils.exprType e)
+ )
+ $+$ (text "\n") -- Add an empty line
listClass :: Class.Class -> IO ()
-listClass c = do
- putStr "\nClass: "
- putStr $ show (Class.className c)
- putStr "\nSelectors: "
- putStr $ show (Class.classSelIds c)
- putStr "\n"
+listClass c = putStr $ Outputable.showSDoc $
+ (text "Class:") <+> (text $ show (Class.className c))
+ $+$ nest indent (
+ hang' (text "Selectors:") align (text $ show (Class.classSelIds c))
+ )
+ $+$ (text "\n") -- Add an empty line
-- | Show the core structure of the given binds in the given file.
listBind :: FilePath -> [FilePath] -> String -> IO ()