module Translator where
import qualified Directory
+import qualified System.FilePath as FilePath
import qualified List
import Debug.Trace
import qualified Control.Arrow as Arrow
vhdl <- moduleToVHDL core [(name, stateful)]
-- Write VHDL to file
let dir = "./vhdl/" ++ name ++ "/"
+ prepareDir dir
mapM (writeVHDL dir) vhdl
return ()
return vhdl
+-- | Prepares the directory for writing VHDL files. This means creating the
+-- dir if it does not exist and removing all existing .vhdl files from it.
+prepareDir :: String -> IO()
+prepareDir dir = do
+ -- Create the dir if needed
+ exists <- Directory.doesDirectoryExist dir
+ Monad.unless exists $ Directory.createDirectory dir
+ -- Find all .vhdl files in the directory
+ files <- Directory.getDirectoryContents dir
+ let to_remove = filter ((==".vhdl") . FilePath.takeExtension) files
+ -- Prepend the dirname to the filenames
+ let abs_to_remove = map (FilePath.combine dir) to_remove
+ -- Remove the files
+ mapM_ Directory.removeFile abs_to_remove
-- | Write the given design file to a file with the given name inside the
-- given dir
writeVHDL :: String -> (AST.VHDLId, AST.DesignFile) -> IO ()
writeVHDL dir (name, vhdl) = do
- -- Create the dir if needed
- exists <- Directory.doesDirectoryExist dir
- Monad.unless exists $ Directory.createDirectory dir
-- Find the filename
let fname = dir ++ (AST.fromVHDLId name) ++ ".vhdl"
-- Write the file