import qualified Maybe
import qualified "transformers" Control.Monad.Trans as Trans
import qualified Control.Monad as Monad
+import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.Writer as Writer
import qualified Data.Map as Map
+import qualified Data.Monoid as Monoid
import Data.Accessor
import qualified Var
import qualified VarSet
import qualified CoreFVs
+import qualified CoreUtils
+import qualified MkCore
import Outputable ( showSDoc, ppr, nest )
-- Local imports
-- Perform this transform everywhere
typeproptop = everywhere ("typeprop", typeprop)
+-- Function-typed argument propagation
+-- Remove all applications to function-typed arguments, by duplication the
+-- function called with the function-typed parameter replaced by the free
+-- variables of the argument passed in.
+funprop, funproptop :: Transform
+-- Transform any application of a named function (i.e., skip applications of
+-- lambda's). Also skip applications that have arguments with free type
+-- variables, since we can't inline those.
+funprop expr@(App _ _) | is_var fexpr && not (any has_free_tyvars args) = do
+ -- Find the body of the function called
+ body_maybe <- Trans.lift $ getGlobalBind f
+ case body_maybe of
+ Just body -> do
+ -- Process each of the arguments in turn
+ (args', changed) <- Writer.listen $ mapM doarg args
+ -- See if any of the arguments changed
+ case Monoid.getAny changed of
+ True -> do
+ let (newargs', newparams', oldargs) = unzip3 args'
+ let newargs = concat newargs'
+ let newparams = concat newparams'
+ -- Create a new body that consists of a lambda for all new arguments and
+ -- the old body applied to some arguments.
+ let newbody = MkCore.mkCoreLams newparams (MkCore.mkCoreApps body oldargs)
+ -- Create a new function name
+ id <- cloneVar f
+ let newf = Var.setVarType id (CoreUtils.exprType newbody)
+ -- Add the new function
+ Trans.lift $ addGlobalBind newf newbody
+ -- Replace the original application with one of the new function to the
+ -- new arguments.
+ change $ MkCore.mkCoreApps (Var newf) newargs
+ False ->
+ -- Don't change the expression if none of the arguments changed
+ return expr
+ -- If we don't have a body for the function called, leave it unchanged (it
+ -- should be a primitive function then).
+ Nothing -> return expr
+ where
+ -- Find the function called and the arguments
+ (fexpr, args) = collectArgs expr
+ Var f = fexpr
+ -- Process a single argument and return (args, bndrs, arg), where args are
+ -- the arguments to replace the given argument in the original
+ -- application, bndrs are the binders to include in the top-level lambda
+ -- in the new function body, and arg is the argument to apply to the old
+ -- function body.
+ doarg :: CoreExpr -> TransformMonad ([CoreExpr], [CoreBndr], CoreExpr)
+ doarg arg | is_fun arg = do
+ bndrs <- Trans.lift getGlobalBinders
+ -- Find interesting free variables, each of which should be passed to
+ -- the new function instead of the original function argument.
+ --
+ -- Interesting vars are those that are local, but not available from the
+ -- top level scope (functions from this module are defined as local, but
+ -- they're not local to this function, so we can freely move references
+ -- to them into another function).
+ let interesting var = Var.isLocalVar var && (not $ var `elem` bndrs)
+ let free_vars = VarSet.varSetElems $ CoreFVs.exprSomeFreeVars interesting arg
+ -- Mark the current expression as changed
+ setChanged
+ return (map Var free_vars, free_vars, arg)
+ -- Non-functiontyped arguments can be unchanged. Note that this handles
+ -- both values and types.
+ doarg arg = do
+ -- TODO: preserve original naming?
+ id <- mkBinderFor arg "param"
+ -- Just pass the original argument to the new function, which binds it
+ -- to a new id and just pass that new id to the old function body.
+ return ([arg], [id], mkReferenceTo id)
+-- Leave all other expressions unchanged
+funprop expr = return expr
+-- Perform this transform everywhere
+funproptop = everywhere ("funprop", funprop)
-- TODO: introduce top level let if needed?
-- What transforms to run?
-transforms = [typeproptop, etatop, betatop, letremovetop, letrectop, letsimpltop, letflattop, casewildtop, scrutsimpltop, casevalsimpltop, caseremovetop, inlinefuntop, appsimpltop]
+transforms = [typeproptop, funproptop, etatop, betatop, letremovetop, letrectop, letsimpltop, letflattop, casewildtop, scrutsimpltop, casevalsimpltop, caseremovetop, inlinefuntop, appsimpltop]
-- Turns the given bind into VHDL
normalizeModule ::