if Monoid.getAny $
-- trace ("Trying to apply transform " ++ name ++ " to:\n" ++ showSDoc (nest 4 $ ppr expr') ++ "\nType: \n" ++ (showSDoc $ nest 4 $ ppr $ CoreUtils.exprType expr') ++ "\n")
- then
+ then do
-- trace ("Applying transform " ++ name ++ " to:\n" ++ showSDoc (nest 4 $ ppr expr') ++ "\nType: \n" ++ (showSDoc $ nest 4 $ ppr $ CoreUtils.exprType expr') ++ "\n"
-- ++ "Context: " ++ show context ++ "\n"
-- ++ "Result of applying " ++ name ++ ":\n" ++ showSDoc (nest 4 $ ppr expr'') ++ "\n" ++ "Type: \n" ++ (showSDoc $ nest 4 $ ppr $ CoreUtils.exprType expr'') ++ "\n" ) $
+ Trans.lift $ MonadState.modify tsTransformCounter (+1)
applyboth first (name, second) context expr''
-- trace ("No changes") $
-> [EntitySpec] -- ^ The entities to generate
-> IO [(AST.VHDLId, AST.DesignFile)]
moduleToVHDL env cores specs = do
- vhdl <- runTranslatorSession env $ do
+ (vhdl, count) <- runTranslatorSession env $ do
let all_bindings = concatMap (\x -> CoreSyn.flattenBinds (HscTypes.cm_binds x)) cores
-- Store the bindings we loaded
tsBindings %= Map.fromList all_bindings
tsInitStates %= Map.fromList all_initstates
test_binds <- catMaybesM $ Monad.mapM mkTest specs
let topbinds = Maybe.catMaybes $ map (\(top, _, _) -> top) specs
- case topbinds of
+ vhdl <- case topbinds of
[] -> error "Could not find top entity requested"
tops -> createDesignFiles (tops ++ test_binds)
+ count <- get tsTransformCounter
+ return (vhdl, count)
mapM_ (putStr . render . Ppr.ppr . snd) vhdl
+ putStr $ "Total number of transformations applied: " ++ (show count) ++ "\n"
return vhdl
mkTest :: EntitySpec -> TranslatorSession (Maybe CoreSyn.CoreBndr)
-- a unique supply anywhere.
uniqSupply <- UniqSupply.mkSplitUniqSupply 'z'
let init_typestate = TypeState builtin_types [] Map.empty Map.empty env
- let init_state = TranslatorState uniqSupply init_typestate Map.empty Map.empty 0 Map.empty Map.empty Map.empty
+ let init_state = TranslatorState uniqSupply init_typestate Map.empty Map.empty 0 Map.empty Map.empty Map.empty 0
return $ State.evalState session init_state
-- | Prepares the directory for writing VHDL files. This means creating the
, tsEntities_ :: Map.Map CoreSyn.CoreBndr Entity
, tsArchitectures_ :: Map.Map CoreSyn.CoreBndr (Architecture, [CoreSyn.CoreBndr])
, tsInitStates_ :: Map.Map CoreSyn.CoreBndr CoreSyn.CoreBndr
+ , tsTransformCounter_ :: Int -- ^ How many transformations were applied?
-- Derive accessors