-The prototype heavily uses \GHC, the Glasgow Haskell Compiler.
-\Cref{img:compilerpipeline} shows the \CLaSH\ compiler pipeline. As you can
-see, the front-end is completely reused from \GHC, which allows the \CLaSH\
-prototype to support most of the Haskell Language. The \GHC\ front-end
-produces the program in the \emph{Core}~\cite{Sulzmann2007} format, which is a very small,
-functional, typed language which is relatively easy to process.
-The second step in the compilation process is \emph{normalization}. This
-step runs a number of \emph{meaning preserving} transformations on the
-Core program, to bring it into a \emph{normal form}. This normal form
-has a number of restrictions that make the program similar to hardware.
-In particular, a program in normal form no longer has any polymorphism
-or higher order functions.
-The final step is a simple translation to \VHDL.
+The output of the \GHC\ front-end is the original Haskell description translated to \emph{Core}~\cite{Sulzmann2007}, which is smaller, functional, typed language that is relatively easier to process than the larger Haskell language. A description in \emph{Core} can still contain properties which have no direct translation to hardware, such as polymorphic types and function-valued arguments. Such a description needs to be transformed to a \emph{normal form}, which only contains properties that have a direct translation. The second stage of the compiler, the \emph{normalization} phase exhaustively applies a set of \emph{meaning-preserving} transformations on the \emph{Core} description until this description is in a \emph{normal form}. This set of transformations includes transformations typically found in reduction systems for lambda calculus, such a $\beta$-reduction and $\eta$-expansion, but also includes \emph{defunctionalization} transformations which reduce higher-order functions to `regular' first-order functions.
+The final step in the compiler pipeline is the translation to a \VHDL\ \emph{netlist}, which is a straightforward process due to resemblance of a normalized description and a set of concurrent signal assignments. We call the end-product of the \CLaSH\ compiler a \VHDL\ \emph{netlist} as the resulting \VHDL\ resembles an actual netlist description and not idiomatic \VHDL.