# This file describes the rotation of the centralized log files in /data, from # all vservers. /data/log/rsyslog/*/*/*.log { # Never throw away logfiles for now rotate 999999 # Rotate daily daily # Compress rotated files compress # Use the rotation date as an extension dateext # Reload rsyslog after rotation, but only once for all scripts sharedscripts postrotate invoke-rc.d rsyslog reload > /dev/null endscript # Put the rotated logs in a separate dir # Disabled, since logrotate insists these directories exist before # rotation (and even before running scripts...) # olddir archive } # This logfile is mostly used for quick lookups of recent events and for # logcheck to parse. So we only keep one rotated version. Logcheck should be # able to handle the rotation gracefully this way. /data/log/rsyslog/all.log { rotate 1 daily postrotate invoke-rc.d rsyslog reload > /dev/null endscript }