/data/www/*/logs/*/*.log { # Rotate daily daily # Keep them all rotate 9999 # Compress files after rotation compress # But only a day after actually rotating them for the first # time. See http://bugs.gentoo.org/106651 delaycompress notifempty # Use the current date as the extension for rotating dateext # lighttpd will create new files itself nocreate # Call this script once after rotating all files sharedscripts postrotate # Let lighttpd reopen its config files (HUP might be better, # but we'd have to look in pidfiles etc.) invoke-rc.d lighttpd reload > /dev/null; # Do stats analysis on the rotated files /usr/local/bin/update-stats --after-logrotate; > /dev/null; endscript } # vim: set ts=8 sw=8 noexpandtab autoindent: