$HTTP["host"] =~ ".stderr.nl$" { var.site-dir = var.root-dir + "/stderr.nl" var.site-fcgi-dir = var.fcgi-dir + "/stderr-nl" evhost.path-pattern = var.site-dir + "/htdocs/%3/" accesslog.filename = var.site-dir + "/logs/access.log" $HTTP["host"] =~ "git.stderr.nl$" { cgi.assign += ( "gitweb.cgi" => "" ) # Put this alias in a url conditional, so urls like /gitweb.css won't get alias'd $HTTP["url"] =~ "^/gitweb(/.*)?$" { alias.url += ( "/gitweb" => "/usr/lib/cgi-bin/gitweb.cgi" ) } $HTTP["url"] =~ ".git/" { alias.url += ( "/" => "/data/vcs/git/" ) } # Redirect this url, which was published in my Master's # thesis. Use .* instead of λ, since mod_redirect doesn't like # the λ for some reason. url.redirect += ("^/gitweb\?p=matthijs/projects/c.*ash\.git" => "/gitweb?p=matthijs/master-project/cλash.git") # Redirect / to gitweb url.redirect += ("^/$" => "/gitweb") } $HTTP["host"] =~ "hg.stderr.nl$" { # Let all of hg.stderr.nl be handled by hgweb, since it also # takes care of clone / pull requests. cgi.assign += ( "hgwebdir.cgi" => "" ) alias.url += ( "" => "/usr/local/lib/cgi-bin/hgwebdir.cgi" ) } $HTTP["host"] =~ "blues.stderr.nl$" { auth.backend = "htpasswd" auth.backend.htpasswd.userfile = var.site-dir + "/conf/pandora2009.user" dir-listing.activate = "enable" auth.require = ( "/" => ( "method" => "basic", "realm" => "Blues Brothers", "require" => "valid-user" ) ) # Only publish the pandora trac repos here url.redirect += ("^/trac/?$" => "/trac/pandora") $HTTP["url"] =~ "^/trac/.*" { fastcgi.server += ( "/trac" => (( "socket" => var.site-fcgi-dir + "/trac", "check-local" => "disable", )) ) } } $HTTP["host"] =~ "^drsnuggles.stderr.nl$" { alias.url += ("/ldap" => "/usr/share/phpldapadmin/htdocs") } $HTTP["host"] =~ "^www.stderr.nl$" { url.redirect += ("^/$" => "/Blog/") # Category got renamed url.redirect += ("^/Blog/personal(.*)" => "/Blog/Personal$1") $HTTP["url"] !~ "^/(Old blog|static)" { cgi.assign += ( "blosxom.cgi" => "/usr/local/bin/aclperl" ) alias.url += ( "" => var.site-dir + "/applications/blosxom/blosxom.cgi" ) setenv.add-environment += ( "BLOSXOM_CONFIG_FILE" => var.site-dir + "/conf/blosxom.conf", "BLOSXOM_DATA_BASE" => var.site-dir + "/data/blosxom", "BLOSXOM_CODE_BASE" => var.site-dir + "/applications/blosxom", "BLOSXOM_LOGS_BASE" => var.site-dir + "/logs", "BLOSXOM_HTDOCS_URL" => "/static/", ) } # Disabled for now, since the only working trac is the pandora trac #fastcgi.server += ( # "/trac" => # (( # "socket" => var.site-fcgi-dir + "/trac", # "check-local" => "disable", # )) #) } # Put the php fastcgi server last, so it won't trigger on any urls that # should be handled by other fastcgi servers (for example, viewing a # .php file in trac results in an url /trac/.../foo.php). fastcgi.server += ( ".php" => (( "socket" => var.site-fcgi-dir + "/php", "broken-scriptfilename" => "enable", )) ) }