#!/bin/bash # Copyright 2002 hp Information Technologies Group, L.P. # # See "man chkconfig" for information on next two lines (Red Hat only) # chkconfig: - 2345 91 1 # description: HP Advanced System Management Drivers and Agents for Linux # # # Following lines are in conformance with LSB 1.2 spec ### BEGIN INIT INFO # Provides: hpasm # Required-Start: snmp # Required-Stop: hprsm cmanic cmastor # Default-Start: 2 3 4 5 # Default-Stop: 0 1 6 # Description: starts hpasm (HP Advanced System Management Drivers and Agents) ### END INIT INFO RETVAL=0 SCRIPT=/opt/compaq/hpasm/etc/hpasm ACTION=$1 shift ADDARGS=$* # See how we were called. case "$ACTION" in start) $SCRIPT start $ADDARGS ;; stop) $SCRIPT stop $ADDARGS ;; restart) $SCRIPT stop $ADDARGS $SCRIPT start $ADDARGS ;; status) $SCRIPT status $ADDARGS ;; configure) $SCRIPT configure $ADDARGS ;; reconfigure) $SCRIPT reconfigure $ADDARGS ;; unconfigure) $SCRIPT unconfigure $ADDARGS ;; *) # do not advertise unreasonable commands that there is no reason # to use with this device echo "Usage: hpasm {start|stop|status|restart|configure|unconfigure|reconfigure}" exit 1 esac exit 0