1 /* msie.css - MoinMoin MS Internet explorer bug workarounds */
3 /* IE6 and IE7 both suck with :before */
4 a.www { padding-left: 14px; background: url(../img/moin-www.png) left center no-repeat; }
5 a.http { padding-left: 14px; background: url(../img/moin-www.png) left center no-repeat; }
6 a.https { padding-left: 14px; background: url(../img/moin-www.png) left center no-repeat; }
7 a.file { padding-left: 14px; background: url(../img/moin-ftp.png) left center no-repeat; }
8 a.ftp { padding-left: 14px; background: url(../img/moin-ftp.png) left center no-repeat; }
9 a.nntp { padding-left: 14px; background: url(../img/moin-news.png) left center no-repeat; }
10 a.news { padding-left: 14px; background: url(../img/moin-news.png) left center no-repeat; }
11 a.telnet { padding-left: 14px; background: url(../img/moin-telnet.png) left center no-repeat; }
12 a.irc,a.ircs { padding-left: 14px; background: url(../img/moin-telnet.png) left center no-repeat; }
13 a.mailto { padding-left: 14px; background: url(../img/moin-email.png) left center no-repeat; }
14 a.attachment { padding-left: 14px; background: url(../img/moin-attach.png) left center no-repeat; }
15 a.badinterwiki { padding-left: 14px; background: url(../img/moin-inter.png) left center no-repeat; }
16 a.interwiki { padding-left: 14px; background: url(../img/moin-inter.png) left center no-repeat; }
18 #pagetrail li, #pagelocation li {
19 border-left: 1px solid #AAA;
23 /* Spans for line-anchors - needed for IE6 and IE7 where omitting the "display: none" triggers rendering bugs. */
24 span.anchor { display: none; }
27 This could maybe avoid screen jumping in IE with IE7 hack.
29 It works (or rather: should work) like this:
30 First, IE sees the a.interwiki definition only as it doesn't understand neither
31 * > a.interwiki, nor a.interwiki:before. We use a.interwiki to reserve some
32 space for the icon inserted later.
33 Later, the IE7 hack kicks in and then IE also understands those 2 other css lines.
34 The * > a.interwiki line now removes the space we previously reserved and the
35 :before inserts the icon.
37 a.interwiki {margin-left: 25px; padding-top: 25px; padding-bottom: 25px;}
38 * > a.interwiki {margin-left: 0px; padding-top: 25px; padding-bottom: 25px;}
39 a.interwiki:before {content: url(../img/moin-inter.png);}
42 While margin-left seems to work, margin-/padding-top/bottom doesnt.
43 After getting it to work, this has to be fine-tuned to avoid screen jumping.
46 /* Some * html hacks for IE6 and below only (IE7 ignores * html) */
48 /* IE6 has a bug with rendering of float elements. We workaround this bug by
49 * assigning those elements a height attribute because we currently don't know
50 * a better solution. This results in IE calculating the correct height of the
51 * characters and displaying them correctly. We don't know any negative side
52 * effects of this workaround:
54 * html div#page, * html div#header { height: 0.001%; }