3 import qualified Control.Monad as Monad
8 import qualified Control.Arrow as Arrow
9 import qualified DataCon
10 import qualified TyCon
11 import qualified CoreUtils
12 import qualified TysWiredIn
13 import qualified IdInfo
14 import qualified Data.Traversable as Traversable
15 import qualified Data.Foldable as Foldable
16 import Control.Applicative
17 import Outputable ( showSDoc, ppr )
18 import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State as State
21 import TranslatorTypes
24 -- Extract the arguments from a data constructor application (that is, the
25 -- normal args, leaving out the type args).
26 dataConAppArgs :: DataCon.DataCon -> [CoreExpr] -> [CoreExpr]
27 dataConAppArgs dc args =
30 tycount = length $ DataCon.dataConAllTyVars dc
34 -> FlattenState SignalMap
37 -- First generate a map with the right structure containing the types, and
38 -- generate signals for each of them.
39 Traversable.mapM (\ty -> genSignalId SigInternal ty) (mkHsValueMap ty)
41 -- | Marks a signal as the given SigUse, if its id is in the list of id's
43 markSignals :: SigUse -> [SignalId] -> (SignalId, SignalInfo) -> (SignalId, SignalInfo)
44 markSignals use ids (id, info) =
47 info' = if id `elem` ids then info { sigUse = use} else info
49 markSignal :: SigUse -> SignalId -> (SignalId, SignalInfo) -> (SignalId, SignalInfo)
50 markSignal use id = markSignals use [id]
52 -- | Flatten a haskell function
54 HsFunction -- ^ The function to flatten
55 -> CoreBind -- ^ The function value
56 -> FlatFunction -- ^ The resulting flat function
58 flattenFunction _ (Rec _) = error "Recursive binders not supported"
59 flattenFunction hsfunc bind@(NonRec var expr) =
60 FlatFunction args res defs sigs
62 init_state = ([], [], 0)
63 (fres, end_state) = State.runState (flattenTopExpr hsfunc expr) init_state
64 (defs, sigs, _) = end_state
70 -> FlattenState ([SignalMap], SignalMap)
72 flattenTopExpr hsfunc expr = do
73 -- Flatten the expression
74 (args, res) <- flattenExpr [] expr
76 -- Join the signal ids and uses together
77 let zipped_args = zipWith zipValueMaps args (hsFuncArgs hsfunc)
78 let zipped_res = zipValueMaps res (hsFuncRes hsfunc)
79 -- Set the signal uses for each argument / result, possibly updating
80 -- argument or result signals.
81 args' <- mapM (Traversable.mapM $ hsUseToSigUse args_use) zipped_args
82 res' <- Traversable.mapM (hsUseToSigUse res_use) zipped_res
85 args_use Port = SigPortIn
86 args_use (State n) = SigStateOld n
87 res_use Port = SigPortOut
88 res_use (State n) = SigStateNew n
92 (HsValueUse -> SigUse) -- ^ A function to actually map the use value
93 -> (SignalId, HsValueUse) -- ^ The signal to look at and its use
94 -> FlattenState SignalId -- ^ The resulting signal. This is probably the
95 -- same as the input, but it could be different.
96 hsUseToSigUse f (id, use) = do
97 info <- getSignalInfo id
98 id' <- case sigUse info of
99 -- Internal signals can be marked as different uses freely.
102 -- Signals that already have another use, must be duplicated before
103 -- marking. This prevents signals mapping to the same input or output
104 -- port or state variables and ports overlapping, etc.
107 setSignalInfo id' (info { sigUse = f use})
110 -- | Creates a new internal signal with the same type as the given signal
111 copySignal :: SignalId -> FlattenState SignalId
113 -- Find the type of the original signal
114 info <- getSignalInfo id
116 -- Generate a new signal (which is SigInternal for now, that will be
117 -- sorted out later on).
118 genSignalId SigInternal ty
120 -- | Duplicate the given signal, assigning its value to the new signal.
121 -- Returns the new signal id.
122 duplicateSignal :: SignalId -> FlattenState SignalId
123 duplicateSignal id = do
124 -- Create a new signal
126 -- Assign the old signal to the new signal
127 addDef $ UncondDef (Left id) id'
128 -- Replace the signal with the new signal
134 -> FlattenState ([SignalMap], SignalMap)
136 flattenExpr binds lam@(Lam b expr) = do
137 -- Find the type of the binder
138 let (arg_ty, _) = Type.splitFunTy (CoreUtils.exprType lam)
139 -- Create signal names for the binder
140 defs <- genSignals arg_ty
141 -- Add name hints to the generated signals
142 let binder_name = Name.getOccString b
143 Traversable.mapM (addNameHint binder_name) defs
144 let binds' = (b, Left defs):binds
145 (args, res) <- flattenExpr binds' expr
146 return (defs : args, res)
148 flattenExpr binds var@(Var id) =
149 case Var.globalIdVarDetails id of
150 IdInfo.NotGlobalId ->
152 bind = Maybe.fromMaybe
153 (error $ "Local value " ++ Name.getOccString id ++ " is unknown")
157 Left sig_use -> return ([], sig_use)
158 Right _ -> error "Higher order functions not supported."
159 IdInfo.DataConWorkId datacon -> do
160 if DataCon.isTupleCon datacon && (null $ DataCon.dataConAllTyVars datacon)
162 -- Empty tuple construction
163 return ([], Tuple [])
165 lit <- dataConToLiteral datacon
166 let ty = CoreUtils.exprType var
167 sig_id <- genSignalId SigInternal ty
168 -- Add a name hint to the signal
169 addNameHint (Name.getOccString id) sig_id
170 addDef (UncondDef (Right $ Literal lit) sig_id)
171 return ([], Single sig_id)
173 error $ "Ids other than local vars and dataconstructors not supported: " ++ (showSDoc $ ppr id)
175 flattenExpr binds app@(App _ _) = do
176 -- Is this a data constructor application?
177 case CoreUtils.exprIsConApp_maybe app of
178 -- Is this a tuple construction?
179 Just (dc, args) -> if DataCon.isTupleCon dc
181 flattenBuildTupleExpr binds (dataConAppArgs dc args)
183 error $ "Data constructors other than tuples not supported: " ++ (showSDoc $ ppr app)
185 -- Normal function application
186 let ((Var f), args) = collectArgs app in
187 let fname = Name.getOccString f in
188 if fname == "fst" || fname == "snd" then do
189 (args', Tuple [a, b]) <- flattenExpr binds (last args)
190 return (args', if fname == "fst" then a else b)
191 else if fname == "patError" then do
192 -- This is essentially don't care, since the program will error out
193 -- here. We'll just define undriven signals here.
194 let (argtys, resty) = Type.splitFunTys $ CoreUtils.exprType app
195 args <- mapM genSignals argtys
196 res <- genSignals resty
197 mapM (Traversable.mapM (addNameHint "NC")) args
198 Traversable.mapM (addNameHint "NC") res
200 else if fname == "==" then do
201 -- Flatten the last two arguments (this skips the type arguments)
202 ([], a) <- flattenExpr binds (last $ init args)
203 ([], b) <- flattenExpr binds (last args)
204 res <- mkEqComparisons a b
207 flattenApplicationExpr binds (CoreUtils.exprType app) f args
209 mkEqComparisons :: SignalMap -> SignalMap -> FlattenState SignalMap
210 mkEqComparisons a b = do
211 let zipped = zipValueMaps a b
212 Traversable.mapM mkEqComparison zipped
214 mkEqComparison :: (SignalId, SignalId) -> FlattenState SignalId
215 mkEqComparison (a, b) = do
216 -- Generate a signal to hold our result
217 res <- genSignalId SigInternal TysWiredIn.boolTy
218 -- Add a name hint to the signal
219 addNameHint ("s" ++ show a ++ "_eq_s" ++ show b) res
220 addDef (UncondDef (Right $ Eq a b) res)
223 flattenBuildTupleExpr binds args = do
224 -- Flatten each of our args
225 flat_args <- (mapM (flattenExpr binds) args)
226 -- Check and split each of the arguments
227 let (_, arg_ress) = unzip (zipWith checkArg args flat_args)
228 let res = Tuple arg_ress
231 -- | Flatten a normal application expression
232 flattenApplicationExpr binds ty f args = do
233 -- Find the function to call
234 let func = appToHsFunction ty f args
235 -- Flatten each of our args
236 flat_args <- (mapM (flattenExpr binds) args)
237 -- Check and split each of the arguments
238 let (_, arg_ress) = unzip (zipWith checkArg args flat_args)
239 -- Generate signals for our result
241 -- Add name hints to the generated signals
242 let resname = Name.getOccString f ++ "_res"
243 Traversable.mapM (addNameHint resname) res
244 -- Create the function application
252 -- | Check a flattened expression to see if it is valid to use as a
253 -- function argument. The first argument is the original expression for
254 -- use in the error message.
256 let (args, res) = flat in
258 then error $ "Passing lambda expression or function as a function argument not supported: " ++ (showSDoc $ ppr arg)
261 flattenExpr binds l@(Let (NonRec b bexpr) expr) = do
262 (b_args, b_res) <- flattenExpr binds bexpr
265 error $ "Higher order functions not supported in let expression: " ++ (showSDoc $ ppr l)
267 let binds' = (b, Left b_res) : binds
268 -- Add name hints to the generated signals
269 let binder_name = Name.getOccString b
270 Traversable.mapM (addNameHint binder_name) b_res
271 flattenExpr binds' expr
273 flattenExpr binds l@(Let (Rec _) _) = error $ "Recursive let definitions not supported: " ++ (showSDoc $ ppr l)
275 flattenExpr binds expr@(Case scrut b _ alts) = do
276 -- TODO: Special casing for higher order functions
277 -- Flatten the scrutinee
278 (_, res) <- flattenExpr binds scrut
280 -- TODO include b in the binds list
281 [alt] -> flattenSingleAltCaseExpr binds res b alt
282 -- Reverse the alternatives, so the __DEFAULT alternative ends up last
283 otherwise -> flattenMultipleAltCaseExpr binds res b (reverse alts)
285 flattenSingleAltCaseExpr ::
287 -- A list of bindings in effect
288 -> SignalMap -- The scrutinee
289 -> CoreBndr -- The binder to bind the scrutinee to
290 -> CoreAlt -- The single alternative
291 -> FlattenState ( [SignalMap], SignalMap) -- See expandExpr
293 flattenSingleAltCaseExpr binds scrut b alt@(DataAlt datacon, bind_vars, expr) =
294 if DataCon.isTupleCon datacon
296 -- Unpack the scrutinee (which must be a variable bound to a tuple) in
297 -- the existing bindings list and get the portname map for each of
299 let Tuple tuple_sigs = scrut
300 -- Add name hints to the returned signals
301 let binder_name = Name.getOccString b
302 Monad.zipWithM (\name sigs -> Traversable.mapM (addNameHint $ Name.getOccString name) sigs) bind_vars tuple_sigs
303 -- Merge our existing binds with the new binds.
304 let binds' = (zip bind_vars (map Left tuple_sigs)) ++ binds
305 -- Expand the expression with the new binds list
306 flattenExpr binds' expr
310 -- DataAlts without arguments don't need processing
311 -- (flattenMultipleAltCaseExpr will have done this already).
312 flattenExpr binds expr
314 error $ "Dataconstructors other than tuple constructors cannot have binder arguments in case pattern of alternative: " ++ (showSDoc $ ppr alt)
316 flattenSingleAltCaseExpr binds _ _ alt@(DEFAULT, [], expr) =
317 flattenExpr binds expr
319 flattenSingleAltCaseExpr _ _ _ alt = error $ "Case patterns other than data constructors not supported in case alternative: " ++ (showSDoc $ ppr alt)
321 flattenMultipleAltCaseExpr ::
323 -- A list of bindings in effect
324 -> SignalMap -- The scrutinee
325 -> CoreBndr -- The binder to bind the scrutinee to
326 -> [CoreAlt] -- The alternatives
327 -> FlattenState ( [SignalMap], SignalMap) -- See expandExpr
329 flattenMultipleAltCaseExpr binds scrut b (a:a':alts) = do
330 (args, res) <- flattenSingleAltCaseExpr binds scrut b a
331 (args', res') <- flattenMultipleAltCaseExpr binds scrut b (a':alts)
333 (DataAlt datacon, bind_vars, expr) -> do
334 lit <- dataConToLiteral datacon
335 -- The scrutinee must be a single signal
336 let Single sig = scrut
337 -- Create a signal that contains a boolean
338 boolsigid <- genSignalId SigInternal TysWiredIn.boolTy
339 addNameHint ("s" ++ show sig ++ "_eq_" ++ lit) boolsigid
340 let expr = EqLit sig lit
341 addDef (UncondDef (Right expr) boolsigid)
342 -- Create conditional assignments of either args/res or
343 -- args'/res based on boolsigid, and return the result.
344 -- TODO: It seems this adds the name hint twice?
345 our_args <- Monad.zipWithM (mkConditionals boolsigid) args args'
346 our_res <- mkConditionals boolsigid res res'
347 return (our_args, our_res)
349 error $ "Case patterns other than data constructors not supported in case alternative: " ++ (showSDoc $ ppr a)
351 -- Select either the first or second signal map depending on the value
352 -- of the first argument (True == first map, False == second map)
353 mkConditionals :: SignalId -> SignalMap -> SignalMap -> FlattenState SignalMap
354 mkConditionals boolsigid true false = do
355 let zipped = zipValueMaps true false
356 Traversable.mapM (mkConditional boolsigid) zipped
358 mkConditional :: SignalId -> (SignalId, SignalId) -> FlattenState SignalId
359 mkConditional boolsigid (true, false) = do
360 -- Create a new signal (true and false should be identically typed,
361 -- so it doesn't matter which one we copy).
362 res <- copySignal true
363 addDef (CondDef boolsigid true false res)
366 flattenMultipleAltCaseExpr binds scrut b (a:alts) =
367 flattenSingleAltCaseExpr binds scrut b a
369 flattenExpr _ expr = do
370 error $ "Unsupported expression: " ++ (showSDoc $ ppr expr)
372 -- | Translates a dataconstructor without arguments to the corresponding
374 dataConToLiteral :: DataCon.DataCon -> FlattenState String
375 dataConToLiteral datacon = do
376 let tycon = DataCon.dataConTyCon datacon
377 let tyname = TyCon.tyConName tycon
378 case Name.getOccString tyname of
379 -- TODO: Do something more robust than string matching
381 let dcname = DataCon.dataConName datacon
382 let lit = case Name.getOccString dcname of "High" -> "'1'"; "Low" -> "'0'"
385 let dcname = DataCon.dataConName datacon
386 let lit = case Name.getOccString dcname of "True" -> "true"; "False" -> "false"
389 error $ "Literals of type " ++ (Name.getOccString tyname) ++ " not supported."
392 Type.Type -- ^ The return type
393 -> Var.Var -- ^ The function to call
394 -> [CoreExpr] -- ^ The function arguments
395 -> HsFunction -- ^ The needed HsFunction
397 appToHsFunction ty f args =
398 HsFunction hsname hsargs hsres
400 hsname = Name.getOccString f
401 hsargs = map (useAsPort . mkHsValueMap . CoreUtils.exprType) args
402 hsres = useAsPort (mkHsValueMap ty)
404 -- | Filters non-state signals and returns the state number and signal id for
407 SignalId -- | The signal id to look at
408 -> HsValueUse -- | How is this signal used?
409 -> Maybe (StateId, SignalId ) -- | The state num and signal id, if this
410 -- signal was used as state
412 filterState id (State num) =
414 filterState _ _ = Nothing
416 -- | Returns a list of the state number and signal id of all used-as-state
417 -- signals in the given maps.
421 -> [(StateId, SignalId)]
423 stateList uses signals =
424 Maybe.catMaybes $ Foldable.toList $ zipValueMapsWith filterState signals uses
426 -- vim: set ts=8 sw=2 sts=2 expandtab: