-- alternatives.
let cond_exprs = map (\x -> cmp AST.:=: x) altcons
-- Rotate expressions to the left, so that the expression related to the default case is the last
- exprs <- MonadState.lift tsType $ mapM (varToVHDLExpr . (\(_,_,CoreSyn.Var expr) -> expr)) ((tail alts) ++ [head alts])
+ let alts' = case alts of
+ ((CoreSyn.DEFAULT,_,_):_) -> ((tail alts) ++ [head alts])
+ otherwise -> alts
+ exprs <- MonadState.lift tsType $ mapM (varToVHDLExpr . (\(_,_,CoreSyn.Var expr) -> expr)) alts' --((tail alts) ++ [head alts])
return ([mkAltsAssign (Left bndr) cond_exprs exprs], [])
mkConcSm (_, CoreSyn.Case _ _ _ _) = error "\nVHDL.mkConcSm: Not in normal form: Case statement does not have a simple variable as scrutinee"