Nothing -> return expr
Just cls -> case collectArgs dict of
(_, []) -> return expr -- Dict is not an application (e.g., not inlined yet)
- (dictdc, (ty':selectors)) | tyargs_neq ty ty' -> error $ "Applying class selector to dictionary without matching type?\n" ++ pprString expr
+ (Var dictdc, (ty':selectors)) | not (Maybe.isJust (Id.isDataConId_maybe dictdc)) -> return expr -- Dictionary is not a datacon yet (but e.g., a top level binder)
+ | tyargs_neq ty ty' -> error $ "Applying class selector to dictionary without matching type?\n" ++ pprString expr
| otherwise ->
let selector_ids = Class.classSelIds cls in
-- Find the selector used in the class' list of selectors
Nothing -> error $ "Selector not found in class' selector list? This should not happen!\nExpression: " ++ pprString expr ++ "\nClass: " ++ show cls ++ "\nSelectors: " ++ show selector_ids
-- Get the corresponding argument from the dictionary
Just n -> change (selectors!!n)
+ (_, _) -> return expr -- Not applying a variable? Don't touch
-- Compare two type arguments, returning True if they are _not_
-- equal