+# Blosxom Plugin: atomfeed -*-cperl-*-
+# Author(s): Original plugin: Rael Dornfest <rael@oreilly.com>
+# XML::Parser: Sam Ruby
+# UTC and <modified> fixes for 0.3: Frank Hecker
+# Enclosures support: Dave Slusher and Keith Irwin
+# Upgrade to Atom 1.0 spec: Sam Pearson
+# Version: 2005-08-04
+# Docs: Included below: type "perldoc atomfeed", or scroll down
+# Blosxom Home/Docs/Licensing: http://www.raelity.org/apps/blosxom/
+# Blosxom Plugin Docs: http://www.raelity.org/apps/blosxom/plugin.shtml
+package atomfeed;
+# ----- Mandatory configurable variables -----
+# For a basic atom feed, you only need set $default_author and $feed_yr.
+# If you do not, the plugin will exit quietly.
+# All other configuration is optional, and can be safely ignored.
+# Who would you like your feed to credit as the default author of each entry?
+# Leave blank and the atomfeed plugin will attempt to use the whoami and
+# fauxami plugins
+$default_author = "";
+# What year was your weblog started? This will be used
+# to form part of your weblog's unique ID.
+$feed_yr = "";
+# ----- Optional configurable variables -----
+# What is the default author's URL?
+# Blank defaults to $blosxom::url
+$author_uri = "";
+# What is the default author's email address?
+# Leave blank to exclude.
+$author_email = '';
+# Copyright statement:
+# leave blank to exclude.
+$copyright = "";
+# What domain should Blosxom use in ID tags?
+# Leave blank if you don't understand or for Blosxom to use the domain in $url.
+$id_domain = "";
+# Feed url
+# Set the URL of the atom feed here. Defaults to $blosxom::url/index.atom
+$feed_url = "";
+# Icon
+# Put the URL for a site icon here (for example, your site's favicon). Leave blank to exclude.
+$icon_url = "";
+# Logo
+# Set to the URL for your site logo. Leave blank to exclude.
+$logo_url = "";
+# What template placeholder in your flavour template should I replace with feed-level <updated>?
+# If you are using the built-in templates, leave this alone.
+my $template_placeholder = "{{{updated}}}";
+# Enclosures support
+# ------------------
+# You can add enclosures to your atom feed by linking to them in your post
+# and giving the anchor tag a rel attribute of "enclosure".
+# Set $use_full_enclosures to 1 if you wish to add length and content-type
+# to your enclosures. This function relies upon your webserver having
+# LWP modules installed.
+$use_full_enclosures = '0';
+# Name of a file to cache info about your enclosures:
+$DataFile = "$blosxom::plugin_state_dir/enclosures.dat";
+# Stylesheet support
+# ------------------
+# If you have a stylesheet to associate with your atom feed, place it's URL here.
+$css_url = "";
+# You can specify the type of stylesheet here:
+$css_type = "text/css";
+# --- Plug-in package variables -----
+$author = '';
+$T = 'T';
+$colon = ':';
+$zerozero = '00';
+# Try to glean the domain from $url
+$id_domain or ($id_domain) = $blosxom::url =~ m#http://(?:www\.)?([^\/]+)#;
+$utc_date = '';
+$feed_utc_date = '';
+use vars qw/$feed_utc_date/;
+# ----- plugin subroutines -----
+sub start {
+ # Check for our two mandatory variables:
+ unless ( ( eval { whoami::start() or fauxami::start() } or $default_author ) and $feed_yr ) {
+ warn 'Blosxom plugin: atomfeed > Please set $default_author and $feed_yr. Exiting.\n';
+ return 0;
+ }
+ # Check for the existence of already-loaded flavour templates or theme,
+ # loading templates if there's nothing:
+ # Note that it looks like this condition should *never* be met, so why
+ # did Rael put this code here? Can't we just do _load_templates();
+ $blosxom::template{'atom'}{'head'} or _load_templates();
+ # changed to require from use to make plugin work for those
+ # without XML::Parser. Consequence: entries will never be labelled
+ # type='xhtml', only 'text' or 'html'. Thanks, S2!
+ eval { require XML::Parser; $parser = new XML::Parser; };
+ %escape = ('<'=>'<', '>'=>'>', '&'=>'&', '"'=>'"');
+ $escape_re = join '|' => keys %escape;
+ foreach ( keys %escape ) { $unescape{$escape{$_}} = $_; }
+ $unescape_re = join '|' => keys %unescape;
+ # If required, initialise the enclosures data cache:
+ $use_full_enclosures and _load_cache();
+ 1;
+sub head {
+ # Make adjustments to plugin variables here, so that users
+ # can modify their defaults using the config and prefs plugins.
+ # Note that these plugins will have to run *before* atomfeed for this to work as intended.
+ $css_url and $css_url = "\n<?xml-stylesheet href=\"$css_url\" type=\"$css_type\"?>";
+ $feed_url or $feed_url = "$blosxom::url/index.atom";
+ $copyright and $copyright = "<rights>$copyright</rights>";
+ $author_uri or $author_uri = "$blosxom::url";
+ $author_uri = "<uri>$author_uri</uri>";
+ $author_email and $author_email = "\n <email>$author_email</email>";
+ $icon_url and $icon_url = "<icon>$icon_url</icon>";
+ $logo_url and $logo_url = "<logo>$logo_url</logo>";
+ # Check and prepare a <title> and <subtitle>:
+ ($blog_title_type, $blog_title) = _parse_markup($blosxom::blog_title);
+ ($blog_description_type, $blog_description) = _parse_markup($blosxom::blog_description);
+ 1;
+sub story {
+ my($pkg, $path, $filename, $story_ref, $title_ref, $body_ref) = @_;
+ use File::stat;
+ # set up <category>:
+ if ( $path ) {
+ $category = "<category term=\"$path\"/>";
+ }
+ # <published>: derive from %blosxom::files
+ my @published_utc = gmtime($blosxom::files{"$blosxom::datadir$path/$filename.$blosxom::file_extension"});
+ $published_utc_date = sprintf("%4d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:00Z",
+ $published_utc[5]+1900,
+ $published_utc[4]+1,
+ $published_utc[3],
+ $published_utc[2],
+ $published_utc[1]);
+ # <updated>: derive by stat()ing the file for its mtime:
+ my @updated_utc = gmtime(stat("$blosxom::datadir$path/$filename.$blosxom::file_extension")->mtime);
+ $updated_utc_date = sprintf("%4d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:00Z",
+ $updated_utc[5]+1900,
+ $updated_utc[4]+1,
+ $updated_utc[3],
+ $updated_utc[2],
+ $updated_utc[1]);
+ # Date/time of most recently-modified story becomes date/time of the feed.
+ $feed_utc_date = $updated_utc_date if $updated_utc_date > $feed_utc_date;
+ # use %blosxom::files for the year component of feed-level <atom:id>
+ # in case the creation time is cached somewhere.
+ $utc_yr = $published_utc[5]+1900;
+ # Set authorship if available, falling back to $atomfeed::author
+ $author = $whoami::fullname || $fauxami::name || $default_author || '';
+ # Setup $summary. Adapted from Rael's foreshortened plugin.
+ # For simplicities sake, we're going to provide plaint text summaries.
+ $summary = $$body_ref;
+ # first remove tags:
+ $summary =~ s/<.+?>//gs;
+ # then unescape any entities:
+ $summary =~ s/($unescape_re)/$unescape{$1}/g;
+ # truncate to what looks like first sentence:
+ $summary =~ s/[\.\!\?].+$/.../s;
+ # Remove newlines and carriage returns:
+ $summary =~ s/[\r\n]/ /g;
+ # Prepare for use in tempate:
+ $summary = "<summary type=\"text\">$summary</summary>";
+ # take look through $$body_ref for any enclosures or via/related links:
+ my @anchors = ( $$body_ref =~ /(<a [^>]+>)/gis );
+ $links = "\n";
+ foreach my $anchor ( @anchors ) {
+ if ( $anchor =~ /rel\s*=\s*"?\s*(via|enclosure|related)"?/is ) {
+ my( $type, $href );
+ $type = $1;
+ if ( $anchor =~ /href\s*=\s*"([^"]+)"/is ) {
+ $href = $1;
+ }
+ elsif ( $anchor =~ /href\s*=\s*([^\s]+)/is ) {
+ $href = $1;
+ }
+ if ( $href ){
+ $href =~ s/\s//g;
+ if ( $use_full_enclosures && ( $type eq "enclosure" ) ) {
+ my( $mime, $length );
+ # Check for presence of enclosure in $info:
+ unless ( $info->{$href} ) { _get_info($href); }
+ if ( $info->{$href} ) {
+ # Check again for data on enclosure in $info, just in case of problems getting it.
+ $mime = $info->{$href}->{type};
+ $length = $info->{$href}->{length};
+ $links .= " <link rel=\"$type\" href=\"$href\" type=\"$mime\" length=\"$length\"/>\n";
+ }
+ else {
+ # Fall back on a basic link:
+ $links .= " <link rel=\"$type\" href=\"$href\"/>\n";
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ # Basic link:
+ $links .= " <link rel=\"$type\" href=\"$href\"/>\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Parse post title:
+ ($title_type, $title) = _parse_markup($$title_ref);
+ # Parse the post body:
+ ($body_type, $body) = _parse_markup($$body_ref);
+ 1;
+sub foot {
+ my($pkg, $currentdir, $foot_ref) = @_;
+ # Replace the placeholder with the feed-level <updated> element:
+ $feed_utc_date = "<updated>$feed_utc_date</updated>";
+ $blosxom::output =~ s/$template_placeholder/$feed_utc_date/m;
+ return 1;
+# ----- private subroutines -----
+sub _parse_markup {
+ # Pass in some test to parse, and I'll return a type and the text suitably configured.
+ my $text = shift;
+ my $type;
+ # First, check to see if $text appears to contain markup.
+ # This regex should match any tag-like string: opening, closing or orphan tags.
+ if ( $text =~ m!</?[a-zA-Z0-9]+ ?/?>! ) {
+ # OK, looks like markup in there.
+ # Now, check to see if it looks well-formed:
+ if ( eval{$parser->parse("<div>$text</div>")}) {
+ # Yes? XHTML it is, then. I hope.
+ $type = 'xhtml';
+ $text = "<div xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\">$text</div>";
+ }
+ else {
+ # No? Good old tag soup.
+ $type = 'html';
+ $text =~ s/($escape_re)/$escape{$1}/g;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ # We'll assume it's plaintext then.
+ $type = 'text';
+ }
+ # Out go the results:
+ return $type, $text;
+sub _load_cache {
+ # Loads the data stored in $DataFile:
+ $info = {};
+ #open data file
+ local *FH;
+ if( -e "$DataFile") {
+ open FH, "$DataFile" or return $info;
+ }
+ flock(FH, 2);
+ while (<FH>) {
+ chomp ($_);
+ my ($url, $size, $type) = split (/ /, $_);
+ $info->{$url}->{length} = $size;
+ $info->{$url}->{type} = $type;
+ }
+ close (FH);
+ return $info;
+sub _save_cache {
+ # Saves enclosure data structure in $info out to $DataFile
+ local *FH;
+ open FH, ">$DataFile" or return 0;
+ flock(FH, 2);
+ foreach $url (keys (%{$info})) {
+ print FH $url." ".$info->{$url}->{length} ." ". $info->{$url}->{type}."\n";
+ }
+ close FH;
+ return 1;
+sub _get_info {
+ # Uses LWP to get content-type and content-length data
+ # for a given URL, adds this to the $info data structure
+ # and then calls _save_cache to preserve $info
+ return 0 unless eval "require LWP::UserAgent";
+ my $url = shift;
+ my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
+ $ua->agent('BlosxomAtomFeed/0.5');
+ my $req = HTTP::Request->new(HEAD => "$url");
+ my $res = $ua->request($req);
+ my( $ct, $cl );
+ if ( $res->is_success ){
+ $ct = $res->header('content-type');
+ $cl = $res->header('content-length');
+ $info->{$url}->{type} = $ct;
+ $info->{$url}->{length} = $cl;
+ _save_cache();
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+sub _load_templates {
+ $blosxom::template{'atom'}{'content_type'} = 'application/atom+xml';
+ $blosxom::template{'atom'}{'date'} = "\n";
+ $blosxom::template{'atom'}{'head'} =<<'HEAD';
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>$atomfeed::css_url
+<feed xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" xml:base="http://$atomfeed::id_domain">
+ <title type="$atomfeed::blog_title_type">$atomfeed::blog_title</title>
+ <subtitle type="$atomfeed::blog_description_type">$atomfeed::blog_description</subtitle>
+ <link rel="self" type="application/atom+xml" href="$atomfeed::feed_url"/>
+ <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" hreflang="$blosxom::blog_language" href="$blosxom::url" />
+ <id>tag$atomfeed::colon$atomfeed::id_domain,$atomfeed::feed_yr$atomfeed::colon/$blosxom::path_info</id>
+ <generator uri="http://www.blosxom.com/" version="$blosxom::version">Blosxom</generator>
+ $atomfeed::copyright
+ $atomfeed::icon_url
+ $atomfeed::logo_url
+ {{{updated}}}
+ $blosxom::template{'atom'}{'story'} =<<'STORY';
+ <entry>
+ <id>tag$atomfeed::colon$atomfeed::id_domain,$atomfeed::utc_yr$atomfeed::colon$path/$fn</id>
+ <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="$blosxom::url$blosxom::path/$blosxom::fn.$blosxom::default_flavour" />$atomfeed::links
+ <title type="$atomfeed::title_type">$atomfeed::title</title>
+ <published>$atomfeed::published_utc_date</published>
+ <updated>$atomfeed::updated_utc_date</updated>
+ $atomfeed::category
+ <author>
+ <name>$atomfeed::author</name>
+ $atomfeed::author_uri$atomfeed::author_email
+ </author>
+ <content type="$atomfeed::body_type" xml:base="http://$atomfeed::id_domain" xml:lang="$blosxom::blog_language">
+ </content>
+ </entry>
+ $blosxom::template{'atom'}{'foot'} =<<'FOOT';
+ 1;
+=head1 NAME
+Blosxom Plug-in: atomfeed
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+Provides an Atom 1.0 feed of your weblog.
+The plugin has all you need right on-board, including the appropriate
+flavour template components and a couple-three configuration
+It supports the majorty of the Atom 1.0 spec exluding the <source>
+element, which seems intended for use in feeds that contain items
+aggregated from other feeds, and currently the <contributor> element,
+which could be included using the meta plugin.
+Point you browser/Atom feed reader at http://yoururl/index.atom.
+=head1 VERSION
+=head1 AUTHORS
+Rael Dornfest <rael@oreilly.com>, http://www.raelity.org/
+ - wrote the original plugin based on the 0.3 spec
+Sam Ruby <sam@intertwingly.net>, http://www.intertwingly.net/
+ - contributed the XML::Parser magic
+Frank Hecker <hecker@hecker.org>, http://www.hecker.org/
+ - contributed patches for Atom 0.3 compliance, UTC date/time fix
+Sam Pearson <sam@sgp.me.uk>, http://sgp.me.uk/
+ - Upgraded the plugin to handle Atom 1.0
+Additional code was incorporated in the Atom 1.0 revision from the
+enclosures plugin originally written by:
+Dave Slusher, http://www.evilgeniuschronicles.org/wordpress/ and Keith
+Irwin, http://www.asyserver.com/~kirwin/.
+To get an Atom feed up and running in a jiffy, you need only set the
+following variables and drop the plugin into your plugins directory:
+B<$default_author> is where you specify who to credit as the default
+author of each entry. This can be overidden with the value provided
+by the B<whoami> or B<fauxami> plugins.
+B<$feed_yr> is where you specify the year your site began. This is
+important as atomfeed needs to create a unique, unchanging ID for
+your weblog and it need this information to do so.
+Everything else is optional.
+There are a lot of variables available in the plugin you can use to
+customise your Atom feed. These are all listed under B<CONFIGURABLE
+VARIABLES>, below, with some notes as to their intended usage. Some
+have defaults already specified, others will silently be excluded
+until you set them.
+As there are some variables generated entirely by the plugin, and as
+some of the configurable variables are modified by the plugin, there
+is also a complete list of all the variables available for use in
+templates with notes on their form under B<TEMPLATE VARIABLES>.
+If you wish to include enclosures or other types of <link> element in
+your feed, see the section B<ENCLOSURES AND LINK ELEMENTS>, below.
+Although you can use this plugin without anything other than blosxom
+itself and a standard perl installation, it will perform better with
+some optional extras available. See B<PERL MODULES> and B<OTHER
+PLUGINS> for more information, particularly if you intend to use the
+B<config> or B<prefs> plugins, any plugin that modifies your posts'
+actual content (particularly by introducing markup), or any plugin
+that operates on Blosxom's variable interpolation, such as
+In addition to B<$default_author> and B<$feed_yr>, the plugin has the
+following user-configurable variables. Note that when setting
+variables that are to be used at feed level and that contain URLs, any
+relative URLs will be interpreted in relation to the value of the
+variable B<$id_domain>. This is also true of any URLs included in
+your posts.
+B<$author_uri> provides a URI for your default author. If you
+leave this blank, it defaults to B<$blosxom::url>.
+B<$author_email> Set this if you wish to include an email address for
+the author of each entry. Leave it blank to exclude this element of
+the feed.
+B<$copyright> Set this variable to a statement of copyright for your
+site. Leave blank to exclude.
+B<$id_domain> Atom associates unique ID tags with the feed itself and
+individual entries. By default it'll attempt to glean your domain
+from the specified or calculated value of B<$blosxom::url>, but you can
+override this by setting this variable.
+B<$feed_url> Atom feeds contain pointers to themselves, so you can set
+this variable to the location of your atom feed. If you leave in
+blank, it will use B<$blosxom::url/index.atom>, which in most cases will
+be correct.
+B<$icon_url> Set this variable to the URL of an icon to associate with
+your site. This should be a small image with a 1:1 aspect ratio -
+favicons are ideal. Leave blank to exclude.
+B<$logo_url> Set this variable to the URL of a logo to associate with
+your site. This can be larger than the icon, and should have an
+aspect ratio of 2:1. Leave blank to exclude.
+B<$template_placeholder> Set this varibale to the string used in your
+head.atom flavour template to identify where you would like the
+feed-level updated element to appear. If you are using the built-in
+templates, there is no need to change the default value.
+B<$use_full_enclosures> If you are including enclosures in your Atom
+feed, set this variable to 1 if you would like to include length and
+type attributes. This requires that you have the LWP modules
+installed on your webserver to work. See B<ENCLOSURES AND LINK
+ELEMENTS>, below, for more information.
+B<$DataFile> Set this variable to the name of a file where length and
+type data on your enclosures is stored.
+B<$css_url> Set this variable to the location of a stylesheet you
+would like to have applied to your Atom feed. Leave blank to exclude
+B<$css_type> Set this variable to the correct MIME type for the
+stylesheet you are including in your feed. Defaults to 'text/css'.
+The following notes will be of use if you intend to create your own
+atom flavour templates.
+Note that some variables have the necessary markup included, while
+others do not; it is stated clearly when a variable contains the
+required markup. This is so that they can be included in templates
+without leaving empty elements when they are not required.
+B<$atomfeed::author> contains the contents for the author section's
+<name> element.
+B<$atomfeed::author_email> contains any <email> element for the
+author. Includes the required opening and closing tags.
+B<$atomfeed::author_uri> contains any <uri> element for the author.
+Includes the required opening and closing tags.
+B<$atomfeed::blog_description> contains the contents for the
+<subtitle> element.
+B<$atomfeed::blog_description_type> contains the value for the type
+attribute of the <subtitle> element of the feed.
+B<$atomfeed::blog_title> contains the title of your blog, suitably
+prepared for use as the content of the feed-level <title> element.
+B<$atomfeed::blog_title_type> contains the value required for the type
+attribute for the feed-level <title> element.
+B<$atomfeed::body> contains the full text of the body of your weblog
+post, suitably formatted for use as the contents of the <content>
+B<$atomfeed::body_type> contains the value for the type attribute of
+the <content> element.
+B<$atomfeed::category> contains a <category> for an entry, derived
+from a story's path. This variable contains the required opening and
+closing tags.
+B<$atomfeed::colon> simply contains a colon character, for use in the
+<id> elements - helps avoid confusion with variable interpolation.
+B<$atomfeed::copyright> contains any copyright statement. This
+variable includes the required opening and closing tags.
+B<$atomfeed::css_url> contains everything you need to link to a
+stylesheet, including the required opening and closing tags. Note
+that this element belongs before the opening <feed> tag, as it is a
+generic XML element.
+B<$atomfeed::feed_url> contains the value for the href attribute of a
+feed-level <link rel="self"> element which points back at the feed
+B<$atomfeed::feed_yr> contains the year your weblog started.
+B<$atomfeed::icon_url> contains a complete <icon> element, including
+the required opening and closing tags.
+B<$atomfeed::id_domain> contains the root domain for your weblog.
+B<$atomfeed::links> contains all the via, related and enclosure links
+for an entry. This variable contains all the required markup.
+B<$atomfeed::logo_url> contains a complete <logo> element, including
+the required opening and closing tags.
+B<$atomfeed::published_utc_date> contains the timestamp for an entry
+based on the value stored in the B<%blosxom::files> hash.
+B<$atomfeed::summary> contains a trimmed <summary> element, including
+the opening and closing tags. Derived by truncating the entry down to
+the first sentence, similar to the B<foreshortened> plugin.
+B<$atomfeed::title> contains the contents for the story-level <title>
+B<$atomfeed::title_type> contains the value required for the type
+attribute of the story-level <title> element.
+B<$atomfeed::updated_utc_date> contains the timestamp for an entry
+based on a direct stat on the story file itself.
+B<$atomfeed::utc_yr> contains the year in which an entry was made,
+based upon the value stored in the B<%blosxom::files> hash.
+Atom provides an elegant method for expressing relationships between
+different resources using the rel attribute of its <link> element.
+This includes the method Atom uses to support enclosures, used to
+deliver additional content - often audio or video data - to the
+receipient of the feed.
+To take advantage of this, the plugin supports rel attribute values of
+via, related and enclosure. To have these included in your feed,
+simply link the the resource in the body of your weblog post and make
+sure that the anchor tag has an appropriate rel attribute of
+enclosure, via or related, depending upon the kind of relationship you
+are expressing.
+Ideally, enclosures should also contain information on their length
+(the size of the file) and MIME type. The atomfeed plugin will try to
+determine this information if you set the B<$use_full_enclosures>
+variable to '1'. To make sure this works correctly, you should link
+to the anclosure using an absolute URL rather than a relative one -
+"http://example.com/podcasts/july-05.mp3" instead of
+"/podcasts/july-05.mp3" - even if the enclosure is hosted under the
+same domain.
+If you are unsure as to whether your server has this module installed,
+you should be able to experiment by setting the variable anyway, as
+the plugin should continue to function even if it is not present.
+This plugin will work at its best if your server has B<XML::Parser>
+and B<LWP> modules installed, although it will function adequately
+without them.
+In order for the <published> and <updated> timestamps to make sense,
+you should be running a plugin like B<entries_cache> that retains the
+original timestamps of your entries and places them into the
+B<%blosxom::files> hash. If you are not, you should remove the
+<published> element from the story template.
+The atomfeed plugin assumes you're not running any fancy interpolation
+plugin (e.g. B<interpolate_fancy>) which changes the way variables are
+specified in a template (e.g. <$foo /> rather than $foo). If you are
+running B<interpolate_fancy> or the like use the B<config> plugin and
+a config.atom file in your blosxom B<$datadir> consisting of:
+ $blosxom::plugins{"interpolate_fancy"} = 0;
+Where "interpolate_fancy" is the name of the interpolation plugin
+you're turning off _just for the atom feed_.
+If you are planning on using the B<config> or B<prefs> plugins to alter
+varibales in the atomfeed namespace, you will need to ensure that
+these plugins run B<before> the atomfeed plugin. You can do this by
+prefixing a number to the name of the relevant plugin, such as B<1config>
+or B<1prefs>.
+Similarly, if you are running any plugins that alter the content of
+your posts - for example by escaping characters or adding markup -
+these should also be set to run before atomfeed. Essentially, you
+want atomfeed to get each post as it would be sent to a normal web
+browser for it to work as intended.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+Blosxom Home/Docs/Licensing:
+Blosxom Plugin Docs:
+1.0 Update Release Notes:
+Atom 1.0 Specification:
+=head1 BUGS
+Address bug reports and comments to the Blosxom mailing list:
+=head1 LICENSE
+Blosxom and this Blosxom Plug-in
+Copyright 2003, Rael Dornfest
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.