This removes the need to edit the tagging plugin itself.
# Where to link story tags (URLs defined below)
# Where to link story tags (URLs defined below)
-my $link_tag = 'blosxom';
+our $link_tag = 'blosxom' unless defined $link_tag;
# Where to link tags in the tag cloud (URLs defined below)
# Where to link tags in the tag cloud (URLs defined below)
-my $link_cloud = 'blosxom';
+our $link_cloud = 'blosxom' unless defined $link_cloud;
# Where to link related tags (URLs defined below)
# Where to link related tags (URLs defined below)
-my $link_rtag = 'blosxom';
+our $link_rtag = 'blosxom' unless defined $link_rtag;
blosxom => "$blosxom::url?-tags=",
blosxom_tags => "$blosxom::url/tags/",
technorati => "",
blosxom => "$blosxom::url?-tags=",
blosxom_tags => "$blosxom::url/tags/",
technorati => "",
wikipedia_nn => "",
wikipedia_lb => "",
wikipedia_simple => "",
wikipedia_nn => "",
wikipedia_lb => "",
wikipedia_simple => "",
+ ) unless defined %base_url;
-my $tag_re = qr/Tags:\s*/i;
-my $split_re = qr/\s*,\s*/;
+our $tag_re = qr/Tags:\s*/i unless defined $tag_re;
+our $split_re = qr/\s*,\s*/ unless defined $split_re;
-my $tag_prefix = 'Tagged as: ';
-my $tag_suffix = ''; #' » ';
-my $global_tag_prefix = '<p style="text-align: justify;">'; # '<p>Available tags: ';
-my $global_tag_suffix = '</p>';
-my $current_filter_prefix = '<p><em>Current filter:</em> »';
-my $current_filter_suffix = '« (Click tag to exclude it or click a conjunction to switch them.)</p>';
+our $tag_prefix = 'Tagged as: ' unless defined $tag_prefix;
+our $tag_suffix = '' unless defined $tag_suffix; #' » '
+our $global_tag_prefix = '<p style="text-align: justify;">' unless defined $global_tag_prefix; # '<p>Available tags: '
+our $global_tag_suffix = '</p>' unless defined $global_tag_suffix;
+our $current_filter_prefix = '<p><em>Current filter:</em> »' unless defined $current_filter_prefix;
+our $current_filter_suffix = '« (Click tag to exclude it or click a conjunction to switch them.)</p>' unless defined $current_filter_suffix;
# Displaying the tag cloud
# Displaying the tag cloud
-my $min_tag_no = 2;
-my $show_tag_no = 0;
-my $show_tag_no_by_size = 1;
-my $show_tag_no_by_color = 1;
-my $max_size = 250;
-my $min_size = 75;
+our $min_tag_no = 2 unless defined $min_tag_no;
+our $show_tag_no = 0 unless defined $show_tag_no;
+our $show_tag_no_by_size = 1 unless defined $show_tag_no_by_size;
+our $show_tag_no_by_color = 1 unless defined $show_tag_no_by_color;
+our $max_size = 250 unless defined $max_size;
+our $min_size = 75 unless defined $min_size;
-my @tag_cloud_blacklist = ('Now Playing', 'Other Blogs', 'Screenshot');
+our @tag_cloud_blacklist = ('Now Playing', 'Other Blogs', 'Screenshot') unless defined @tag_cloud_blacklist;
-my $start_color = 'ff9900';
-my $end_color = '991100';
-#my $start_color = '0000ff';
-#my $end_color = 'ff0000';
-#my $start_color = 'ff9900';
-#my $end_color = '0000ff';
+our $start_color = 'ff9900' unless defined $start_color;
+our $end_color = '991100' unless defined $end_color;
+#our $start_color = '0000ff' unless defined $start_color;
+#our $end_color = 'ff0000' unless defined $end_color;
+#our $start_color = 'ff9900' unless defined $start_color;
+#our $end_color = '0000ff' unless defined $end_color;
# Texts for related stories
# Texts for related stories
-my @related_stories_tag_blacklist = ('Now Playing', 'Other Blogs', 'Screenshot');
+our @related_stories_tag_blacklist = ('Now Playing', 'Other Blogs', 'Screenshot') unless defined @related_stories_tag_blacklist;
-my $min_story_relations = 2;
-my $max_related_stories = 5;
-my $show_shared_tags = 0;
-my $show_number_of_shared_tags = 1;
+our $min_story_relations = 2 unless defined $min_story_relations;
+our $max_related_stories = 5 unless defined $max_related_stories;
+our $show_shared_tags = 0 unless defined $show_shared_tags;
+our $show_number_of_shared_tags = 1 unless defined $show_number_of_shared_tags;
-my $related_stories_prefix = '<div class="blosxomstoryfoot" align="left"><h4 class="related_stories">Related stories</h4><ul class="related_stories">'."\n";
-my $related_stories_suffix = "\n</ul></div>\n";
-my $related_story_join = "\n";
-my $related_story_prefix = '<li class="related_stories">';
-my $related_story_suffix = '</li>';
-my $related_story_class = 'related_stories';
+our $related_stories_prefix = '<div class="blosxomstoryfoot" align="left"><h4 class="related_stories">Related stories</h4><ul class="related_stories">'."\n" unless defined $related_stories_prefix;
+our $related_stories_suffix = "\n</ul></div>\n" unless defined $related_stories_suffix;
+our $related_story_join = "\n" unless defined $related_story_join;
+our $related_story_prefix = '<li class="related_stories">' unless defined $related_story_prefix;
+our $related_story_suffix = '</li>' unless defined $related_story_suffix;
+our $related_story_class = 'related_stories' unless defined $related_story_class;
-my $shared_tags_text = 'shared tags';
+our $shared_tags_text = 'shared tags' unless defined $shared_tags_text;
-my $min_tag_relations = 2;
-my $max_related_tags = 5; # 0 to disable;
-my $show_tag_shares = 0;
+our $min_tag_relations = 2 unless defined $min_tag_relations;
+our $max_related_tags = 5 unless defined $max_related_tags; # 0 to disable
+our $show_tag_shares = 0 unless defined $show_tag_shares;
-my @related_tags_tag_blacklist = ('Now Playing', 'Other Blogs', 'Screenshot');
+our @related_tags_tag_blacklist = ('Now Playing', 'Other Blogs', 'Screenshot') unless defined @related_tags_tag_blacklist;
-my $related_tags_prefix = '<p class="related_tags"><em>Related tags:</em> ';
-my $related_tags_suffix = "\n</p>\n";
-my $related_tag_join = ", ";
-my $related_tag_class = 'related_tags';
+our $related_tags_prefix = '<p class="related_tags"><em>Related tags:</em> ' unless defined $related_tags_prefix;
+our $related_tags_suffix = "\n</p>\n" unless defined $related_tags_suffix;
+our $related_tag_join = ", " unless defined $related_tag_join;
+our $related_tag_class = 'related_tags' unless defined $related_tag_class;
### Init (You can use these variables in templates prefixed with "$tagging::".)
### Init (You can use these variables in templates prefixed with "$tagging::".)