+# Blosxom Plugin: calendar -*- perl -*-
+# Author: Todd Larason (jtl@molehill.org)
+# Version: 0+6i
+# Blosxom Home/Docs/Licensing: http://www.raelity.org/blosxom
+# Calendar plugin Home/Docs/Licensing:
+# http://molelog.molehill.org/blox/Computers/Internet/Web/Blosxom/Calendar/
+package calendar;
+# --- Configuration Variables ---
+@monthname = qw/January February March
+ April May June
+ July August September
+ October November December/ if ($#monthname != 11);
+@monthabbr = qw/Jan Feb Mar
+ Apr May Jun
+ Jul Aug Sep
+ Oct Nov Dec/ if ($#monthabbr != 11);
+@downame = qw/Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
+ Friday Saturday/ if ($#downame != 6);
+@dowabbr = qw/Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat/ if ($#dowabbr != 6);
+$first_dow = 0
+ if not defined $first_dow;
+# set to 0 to disable attempted caching
+$use_caching = 1 unless defined $use_caching;
+$months_per_row = 3 unless defined $months_per_row;
+$debug_level = 1 unless defined $debug_level;
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------
+use Time::Local;
+$month_calendar = '';
+$year_calendar = '';
+$calendar = '';
+$prev_month_link = '';
+$next_month_link = '';
+$prev_year_link = '';
+$next_year_link = '';
+my $package = "calendar";
+my $cachefile = "$blosxom::plugin_state_dir/.$package.cache";
+my $cache;
+my $save_cache = 0;
+my $files;
+sub debug {
+ my ($level, @msg) = @_;
+ if ($debug_level >= $level) {
+ print STDERR "$package debug $level: @msg\n";
+ }
+ 1;
+sub load_template {
+ my ($bit) = @_;
+ return $blosxom::template->('', "$package.$bit", $blosxom::flavour);
+sub report {
+ my ($bit, $year, $month, $day, $dow) = @_;
+ my ($monthname, $monthabbr) = ($monthname[$month-1], $monthabbr[$month-1]);
+ my ($downame, $dowabbr) = ($downame[$dow], $dowabbr[$dow]);
+ my $year2digit = sprintf("%02d", $year % 100);
+ my $url = $blosxom::url;
+ $url .= sprintf("/%04d/", $year) if defined $year;
+ $url .= sprintf("%02d/", $month) if defined $month;
+ $url .= sprintf("%02d/", $day) if defined $day;
+ my $date = '';
+ $date .= "$year" if defined $year;
+ $date .= "/$month" if defined $month;
+ $date .= "/$day" if defined $day;
+ my $count = $cache->{stories}{$date};
+ my $f = load_template($bit);
+ $f =~ s/((\$[\w:]+)|(\$\{[\w:]+\}))/$1 . "||''"/gee;
+ return $f;
+sub days_in_month {
+ my ($year, $month) = @_;
+ my $days = (31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31)[$month-1];
+ if ($month == 2 &&
+ ($year % 4 == 0 &&
+ (($year % 100 != 0) ||
+ ($year % 400 == 0)))) {
+ $days++;
+ }
+ return $days;
+sub pseudo_now {
+ my ($year, $month, $day);
+ if (defined($blosxom::path_info_yr)) {
+ $year = $blosxom::path_info_yr + 0;
+ $month = $blosxom::path_info_mo_num + 0;
+ $day = $blosxom::path_info_da + 0;
+ if ($month == 0 && $cache->{stories}{$year}) {
+ for ($month = 12; $month > 0; $month--) {
+ last if $cache->{stories}{"$year/$month"};
+ }
+ }
+ $month ||= 12;
+ } else {
+ my $now;
+ # is this a single-article view?
+ # XXX this probably doesn't work for static
+ if ($blosxom::path_info =~ m!\.!) {
+ my $filename = $blosxom::path_info;
+ # replace whatever flavour with the file extension
+ $filename =~ s!\..*!.$blosxom::file_extension!;
+ # remove any dated dirs, if present
+ $filename =~ s!/\d+/.*/!/!;
+ # and convert from an URL relative to a filename
+ $filename = "$blosxom::datadir/$filename";
+ # at this point, it's our best guess at a filename
+ # if it's not in the index, oh well, we tried - fall back to present
+ $now = $files->{$filename} || $^T;
+ } else {
+ $now = $^T;
+ }
+ # no date given at all, do this month and highlight today
+ my @now = localtime($now);
+ $year = $now[5] + 1900;
+ $month = $now[4] + 1;
+ $day = $now[3] + 0;
+ }
+ return ($year, $month, $day);
+sub build_prev_month_link {
+ my ($year, $month) = @_;
+ my $year_orig = $year;
+ my $month_orig = $month;
+ while (1) {
+ $month--;
+ if ($month <= 0) { # == 0 is right, <= 2xprotects against infinite loop bug
+ $year--;
+ $month = 12;
+ # XXX assumption: once a log is active, no full years are skipped
+ if ($cache->{stories}{"$year"} == 0) {
+ return report('prev_month_nolink',
+ $month_orig == 1 ? $year_orig-1 : $year_orig,
+ $month_orig == 1 ? 12 : $month_orig-1);
+ }
+ }
+ if ($cache->{stories}{"$year/$month"}) {
+ return report('prev_month_link', $year, $month);
+ }
+ }
+sub build_next_month_link {
+ my ($year, $month) = @_;
+ my $year_orig = $year;
+ my $month_orig = $month;
+ while (1) {
+ $month++;
+ if ($month == 13) {
+ $year++;
+ $month = 1;
+ # XXX assumption: once a log is active, no full years are skipped
+ if ($cache->{stories}{"$year"} == 0) {
+ return report('next_month_nolink',
+ $month_orig == 1 ? $year_orig-1 : $year_orig,
+ $month_orig == 1 ? 12 : $month_orig-1);
+ }
+ }
+ if ($cache->{stories}{"$year/$month"}) {
+ return report('next_month_link', $year, $month);
+ }
+ }
+sub build_prev_year_link {
+ my ($year) = @_;
+ $year--;
+ return report($cache->{stories}{"$year"} ?
+ 'prev_year_link': 'prev_year_nolink',
+ $year);
+sub build_next_year_link {
+ my ($year) = @_;
+ my $results;
+ $year++;
+ return report($cache->{stories}{"$year"} ?
+ 'next_year_link': 'next_year_nolink',
+ $year);
+sub build_month_calendar {
+ my ($year, $month, $highlight_dom) = @_;
+ my $results;
+ my (@now, $monthstart, @monthstart);
+ my ($day, $days, $wday);
+ my $future_dom = 0;
+ @now = localtime($^T);
+ $future_dom = $now[3]+1 if ($year == $now[5]+1900 && $month == $now[4]+1);
+ $days = days_in_month($year, $month);
+ $monthstart = timelocal(0,0,0,1,$month-1,$year-1900);
+ @monthstart = localtime($monthstart);
+ $results = report('month_head', $year, $month);
+ $results .= report('month_sub_head', $year, $month);
+ $wday = $first_dow;
+ do {
+ $results .= report('month_sub_day', $year, $month, undef, $wday);
+ $wday++;
+ $wday %= 7;
+ } while ($wday != $first_dow);
+ $results .= report('month_sub_foot', $year, $month);
+ # First, skip over the first partial week (possibly empty)
+ # before the month started
+ for ($wday = $first_dow; $wday != $monthstart[6]; $wday++, $wday %= 7) {
+ $results .= report('week_head', $year, $month)
+ if ($wday == $first_dow);
+ $results .= report('noday', $year, $month, undef, $wday);
+ }
+ # now do the month itself
+ for ($day = 1; $day <= $days; $day++) {
+ $results .= report('week_head', $year, $month, $day)
+ if ($wday == $first_dow);
+ my $tag;
+ if ($day == $highlight_dom) {
+ if ($cache->{stories}{"$year/$month/$day"}){$tag='this_day_link'}
+ else {$tag = 'this_day_nolink'}}
+ elsif ($cache->{stories}{"$year/$month/$day"}){$tag = 'day_link'}
+ elsif ($future_dom && $day >= $future_dom) {$tag = 'day_future'}
+ else {$tag = 'day_nolink'}
+ $results .= report($tag, $year, $month, $day, $wday);
+ $wday = 0 if (++$wday == 7);
+ $results .= report('week_foot', $year, $month)
+ if ($wday == $first_dow);
+ }
+ # and finish up the last week, if any left
+ if ($wday != $first_dow) {
+ for(; $wday != $first_dow; $wday++, $wday %= 7) {
+ $results .= report('noday', $year, $month, undef, $wday);
+ }
+ $results .= report('week_foot', $year, $month);
+ }
+ $results .= report('month_foot', $year, $month);
+ return $results;
+sub build_year_calendar {
+ my ($year, $highlight_month) = @_;
+ my $results;
+ my $month;
+ my $future_month = 0;
+ @now = localtime($^T);
+ $future_month = $now[4]+1 if ($year == $now[5]+1900);
+ $results = report('year_head', $year);
+ for ($month = 1; $month <= 12; $month++) {
+ $results .= report('quarter_head', $year)
+ if ($month % $months_per_row == 1);
+ my $tag;
+ if ($month == $highlight_month) {
+ if ($cache->{stories}{"$year/$month"}) {$tag = 'this_month_link'}
+ else {$tag = 'this_month_nolink'}}
+ elsif ($cache->{stories}{"$year/$month"}) {$tag = 'month_link'}
+ elsif ($future_month && $month >=$future_month){$tag = 'month_future'}
+ else {$tag = 'month_nolink'}
+ $results .= report($tag, $year, $month);
+ $results .= report('quarter_foot', $year)
+ if ($month % $months_per_row == 0);
+ }
+ $results .= report('year_foot', $year);
+ return $results;
+sub build_calendar {
+ return report('calendar');
+sub cached {
+ my ($sub, $cachetag, @args) = @_;
+ my $cachekey = join '/',@args,$blosxom::flavour;
+ return $cache->{$cachetag}{$cachekey} ||=
+ (debug(1, "cache miss $cachetag @args $blosxom::flavour") and
+ ($save_cache = 1) and
+ $sub->(@args));
+sub prime_cache {
+ my ($num_files) = @_;
+ return 0 if !$use_caching;
+ eval "require Storable";
+ if ($@) {
+ debug(1, "cache disabled, Storable not available");
+ $use_caching = 0;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (!Storable->can('lock_retrieve')) {
+ debug(1, "cache disabled, Storable::lock_retrieve not available");
+ $use_caching = 0;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ $cache = (-r $cachefile ? Storable::lock_retrieve($cachefile) : undef);
+ # >= rather than ==, so that if we're being used along with a search
+ # plugin that reduces %files, rather than dumping the cache and showing
+ # a limited calendar, we'll display the full thing (if available) . I
+ # think that's preferable as well as being more efficient.
+ # XXX improvement: rather than dumping the whole thing, just update the
+ # count and dump the current month (and sometimes the previous month
+ # and year)
+ @now = localtime;
+ $now[4] += 1;
+ $now[5] += 1900;
+ $today = "$now[5]/$now[4]/$now[3]";
+ if ($cache &&
+ $cache->{num_files} >= $num_files &&
+ $cache->{today} eq $today) {
+ debug(1, "Using cached state");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ $cache = {num_files => $num_files, today => $today};
+ return 0;
+sub save_cache {
+ return if (!$use_caching || !$save_cache);
+ debug(1, "Saving cache");
+ -d $blosxom::plugin_state_dir
+ or mkdir $blosxom::plugin_state_dir;
+ Storable::lock_store($cache, $cachefile);
+sub start {
+ debug(1, "start() called, enabled");
+ while (<DATA>) {
+ chomp;
+ last if /^(__END__)?$/;
+ my ($flavour, $comp, $txt) = split ' ',$_,3;
+ $txt =~ s:\\n:\n:g;
+ $blosxom::template{$flavour}{"$package.$comp"} = $txt;
+ }
+ return 1;
+sub filter {
+ my ($pkg, $files_ref) = @_;
+ debug(1, "filter() called");
+ $files = $files_ref;
+ my $num_files = scalar keys %$files;
+ my @latest = (sort {$b <=> $a} values %$files);
+ while ($latest[0] == $^T) {
+ $num_files--;
+ shift @latest;
+ }
+ return 1 if prime_cache($num_files);
+ debug(1, "cache miss: %stories");
+ foreach (keys %{$files}) {
+ next if ($_ == $^T);
+ my @date = localtime($files->{$_});
+ my $mday = $date[3];
+ my $month = $date[4] + 1;
+ my $year = $date[5] + 1900;
+ $cache->{stories}{"$year"}++;
+ $cache->{stories}{"$year/$month"}++;
+ $cache->{stories}{"$year/$month/$mday"}++;
+ }
+ debug(1, "filter() done");
+ return 1;
+sub head {
+ debug(1, "head() called");
+ my ($year, $month, $day) = pseudo_now();
+ if ($year < 1970) {
+ debug(0,"Bad year $year requested ($year, path_info $ENV{PATH_INFO}, year to 2000");
+ $year = 2000;
+ }
+ $prev_month_link = cached(\&build_prev_month_link, "pml", $year,$month);
+ $next_month_link = cached(\&build_next_month_link, "nml", $year,$month);
+ $prev_year_link = cached(\&build_prev_year_link, "pyl", $year);
+ $next_year_link = cached(\&build_next_year_link, "nyl", $year);
+ $month_calendar = cached(\&build_month_calendar, "mc", $year,$month,$day);
+ $year_calendar = '';
+ for (my $y = (localtime)[5]+1900; $cache->{stories}{$y}; $y--) {
+ my $varname = "year_calendar_$y";
+ if ($y == $year) {
+ $year_calendar = cached(\&build_year_calendar, "yc",$year,$month);
+ $$varname = $year_calendar;
+ } else {
+ $$varname = cached(\&build_year_calendar, "yc", $y);
+ }
+ }
+ $year_calendar = cached(\&build_year_calendar, "yc", $year,$month)
+ unless $year_calendar;
+ $calendar = cached(\&build_calendar, "c", $year,$month,$day);
+ save_cache();
+ debug(1, "head() done, length(\$month_calendar, \$year_calendar, \$calendar) = ", length($month_calendar), length($year_calendar), length($calendar));
+ return 1;
+# these look better (to me), but don't use <caption> like they 'should', and
+# the year one assumes 3 columns
+#html month_head <table class="month-calendar"><tr class="month-calendar-head"><th align="left">$prev_month_link</th><th colspan="5"><a title="$monthname $year" href="$url">$monthname</a></th><th align="right">$next_month_link</th></tr>\n
+#html year_head <table class="year-calendar"><tr class="year-calendar-head"><th align="left">$prev_year_link</th><th><a title="$year" href="$url">$year</a></th><th align="right">$next_year_link</th></tr><tr><th class="year-calendar-subhead" colspan=$months_per_row>Months</th></tr>\n
+error month_head <table class="month-calendar"><caption class="month-calendar-head">$prev_month_link<a title="$monthname $year ($count)" href="$url">$monthname</a>$next_month_link</caption>\n
+error month_sub_head <tr>\n
+error month_sub_day <th class="month-calendar-day-head $downame">$dowabbr</th>\n
+error month_sub_foot </tr>\n
+error week_head <tr>\n
+error noday <td class="month-calendar-day-noday $downame"> </td>\n
+error day_link <td class="month-calendar-day-link $downame"><a title="$downame, $day $monthname $year ($count)" href="$url">$day</a></td>\n
+error day_nolink <td class="month-calendar-day-nolink $downame">$day</td>\n
+error day_future <td class="month-calendar-day-future $downame">$day</td>\n
+error this_day_link <td class="month-calendar-day-this-day $downame"><a title="$downame, $day $monthname $year (current) ($count)" href="$url">$day</a></td>\n
+error this_day_nolink <td class="month-calendar-day-this-day $downame">$day</td>\n
+error week_foot </tr>\n
+error month_foot </table>\n
+error prev_month_link <a title="$monthname $year ($count)" href="$url">←</a>
+error next_month_link <a title="$monthname $year ($count)" href="$url">→</a>
+error prev_month_nolink ←
+error next_month_nolink →
+error year_head <table class="year-calendar"><caption class="year-calendar-head">$prev_year_link<a title="$year ($count)" href="$url">$year</a>$next_year_link</caption><tr><th class="year-calendar-subhead" colspan="$months_per_row">Months</th></tr>\n
+error quarter_head <tr>\n
+error month_link <td class="year-calendar-month-link"><a title="$monthname $year ($count)" href="$url">$monthabbr</a></td>\n
+error month_nolink <td class="year-calendar-month-nolink">$monthabbr</td>\n
+error month_future <td class="year-calendar-month-future">$monthabbr</td>\n
+error this_month_link <td class="year-calendar-this-month"><a title="$monthname $year ($count)" href="$url">$monthabbr</a></td>
+error this_month_nolink <td class="year-calendar-this-month">$monthabbr</td>
+error quarter_foot </tr>\n
+error year_foot </table>\n
+error prev_year_link <a title="$year ($count)" href="$url">←</a>
+error next_year_link <a title="$year ($count)" href="$url">→</a>
+error prev_year_nolink ←
+error next_year_nolink →
+error calendar <div class="calendar"><table><tr><td>$calendar::month_calendar</td><td>$calendar::year_calendar</td></tr></table></div>
+=head1 NAME
+Blosxom Plug-in: calendar
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+Purpose: Provides a Radio-style archive navigation calendar
+ * $calendar::calendar -- side-by-side month and year calendars
+ * $calendar::month_calendar -- month calendar only
+ * $calendar::year_calendar -- year calendar only
+ * $calendar::year_calendar_2003 -- year calendar for 2003; these are built for every year with stories.
+=head1 VERSION
+6th test release
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Todd Larason <jtl@molehill.org>, http://molelog.molehill.org/
+=head1 BUGS
+None known; address bug reports and comments to me or to the Blosxom
+mailing list [http://www.yahoogroups.com/groups.blosxom].
+=head1 Customization
+=head2 Configuration variables
+C<@monthname>, C<@monthabbr>, C<@downame> and C<@dowabbr> contain the
+long and short forms of the names of the months and days of the week;
+@downame and @dowabbr should always start with Sunday, regardless of
+C<$first_dow> sets the plugin's idea of the first day day of the week;
+use 0 for Sunday, 1 for Monday, and so on; using a number outside the
+range [0..6] will cause undefined behavior, possibly including a
+nuclear meltdown.
+C<$use_caching> controls whether or not to try to cache statistics and
+formatted results; caching requires Storable, but the plugin will work
+just fine without it.
+C<$months_per_row> controls how many months are on each row of the
+year calendar. This should be a number that evenly divides 12 (1, 2,
+3, 4, 6 or 12), but nothing checks for that.
+C<$debug_level> can be set to a value between 0 and 5; 0 will output
+no debug information, while 5 will be very verbose. The default is 1,
+and should be changed after you've verified the plugin is working
+=head2 Classes for CSS control
+There's an (over)abundance of classes used, available for CSS customization.
+ * C<calendar> -- the calendar as a whole
+ * C<month-calendar> -- the month calendar as a whole
+ * C<month-calendar-head> -- the head of the month calendar (ie,
+ "March")
+ * C<month-calendar-day-head> -- a column head in the month calendar
+ (ie, a day-of-week abbreviation)
+ * C<month-calendar-day-noday>, C<month-calendar-day-link>,
+ C<month-calendar-day-nolink>, C<month-calendar-day-future>,
+ C<month-calendar-day-this-day> -- the day squares on the month
+ calendar, for days that don't exist (before or after the month
+ itself), that don't have stories, that do have stories, that are
+ in the future, or are that currently selected, respectively
+ * Day-of-week-name -- each day square is also given a class matching
+ its day of week, from C<@downame>; this can be used to hilight
+ weekends
+ * C<year-calendar> -- the year calendar as a whole
+ * C<year-calendar-head> -- the head of the year calendar (ie,
+ "2003")
+ * C<year-calendar-subhead> -- ie, "Months"
+ * C<year-calendar-month-link>, C<year-calendar-month-nolink>,
+ C<year-calendar-month-future>, C<year-calendar-this-month> -- the
+ month squares on the year calendar, for months with stories,
+ without, in the future, and currently selected, respectively.
+=head2 Flavour-style files
+If you want a format change that can't be made by CSS, you can
+override the HTML generated by creating files similar to Blosxom's
+flavour files. They should be named calendar.I<bit>.I<flavour>; for
+available I<bit>s and their default meanings, see the C<__DATA__>
+section in the plugin.
+=head1 Installation
+1. Download and unpack (if you're reading this, you've probably
+ already done that)
+2. Copy it to your plugins directory. Make sure it's world-readable.
+3. Modify a C<head> or C<foot> file to include C<$calendar::calendar>,
+ C<$calendar::month_calendar> or C<$calendar::year_calendar>
+4. Try it out -- load your blog in your browser. If you see a calendar, great!
+5. Look at your error log. Verify you have an 'enabled' line.
+6. If you're wanting to verify caching is working, load the page
+ again, and now look for an error log line "calendar debug 1: Using
+ cached state"
+7. Once you're satisfied it's working, edit the C<$debug_level> configuration
+ variable to C<0>. There are a couple other configuration variables you may
+ wish to change, too.
+=head1 Caching
+If the Storable module is available and $use_caching is set, various
+bits of data will be cached; this includes the information on what
+days have stories (and are thus linkable, and what months and years
+are included in the next/forward lists), the contents of any flavour
+files, and the final formatted output of any calendars generated.
+The cache will be flushed whenever a story is added (but not when one
+is removed), so in normal use should be invisible. If you're making
+template changes however, or are removing stories, you may wish to
+either disable the cache (by setting $use_caching to 0) or manually
+flush the cache; this can be done by removing
+$plugin_state_dir/.calendar.cache, and is always safe to do.
+=head1 LICENSE
+this Blosxom Plug-in
+Copyright 2003, Todd Larason
+(This license is the same as Blosxom's)
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
+copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
+to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
+the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
+and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
+Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
+in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.