1 {-# LANGUAGE PackageImports #-}
3 -- Functions to bring a Core expression in normal form. This module provides a
4 -- top level function "normalize", and defines the actual transformation passes that
7 module CLasH.Normalize (getNormalized, normalizeExpr, splitNormalized) where
11 import qualified Maybe
13 import qualified "transformers" Control.Monad.Trans as Trans
14 import qualified Control.Monad as Monad
15 import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.Writer as Writer
16 import qualified Data.Accessor.Monad.Trans.State as MonadState
17 import qualified Data.Monoid as Monoid
18 import qualified Data.Map as Map
22 import qualified CoreUtils
27 import qualified VarSet
28 import qualified CoreFVs
29 import qualified Class
30 import qualified MkCore
31 import Outputable ( showSDoc, ppr, nest )
34 import CLasH.Normalize.NormalizeTypes
35 import CLasH.Translator.TranslatorTypes
36 import CLasH.Normalize.NormalizeTools
37 import CLasH.VHDL.Constants (builtinIds)
38 import qualified CLasH.Utils as Utils
39 import CLasH.Utils.Core.CoreTools
40 import CLasH.Utils.Core.BinderTools
41 import CLasH.Utils.Pretty
43 --------------------------------
44 -- Start of transformations
45 --------------------------------
47 --------------------------------
49 --------------------------------
50 eta, etatop :: Transform
51 eta expr | is_fun expr && not (is_lam expr) = do
52 let arg_ty = (fst . Type.splitFunTy . CoreUtils.exprType) expr
53 id <- Trans.lift $ mkInternalVar "param" arg_ty
54 change (Lam id (App expr (Var id)))
55 -- Leave all other expressions unchanged
57 etatop = notappargs ("eta", eta)
59 --------------------------------
61 --------------------------------
62 beta, betatop :: Transform
63 -- Substitute arg for x in expr. For value lambda's, also clone before
65 beta (App (Lam x expr) arg) | CoreSyn.isTyVar x = setChanged >> substitute x arg expr
66 | otherwise = setChanged >> substitute_clone x arg expr
67 -- Propagate the application into the let
68 beta (App (Let binds expr) arg) = change $ Let binds (App expr arg)
69 -- Propagate the application into each of the alternatives
70 beta (App (Case scrut b ty alts) arg) = change $ Case scrut b ty' alts'
72 alts' = map (\(con, bndrs, expr) -> (con, bndrs, (App expr arg))) alts
73 ty' = CoreUtils.applyTypeToArg ty arg
74 -- Leave all other expressions unchanged
75 beta expr = return expr
76 -- Perform this transform everywhere
77 betatop = everywhere ("beta", beta)
79 --------------------------------
81 --------------------------------
82 -- Try to move casts as much downward as possible.
83 castprop, castproptop :: Transform
84 castprop (Cast (Let binds expr) ty) = change $ Let binds (Cast expr ty)
85 castprop expr@(Cast (Case scrut b _ alts) ty) = change (Case scrut b ty alts')
87 alts' = map (\(con, bndrs, expr) -> (con, bndrs, (Cast expr ty))) alts
88 -- Leave all other expressions unchanged
89 castprop expr = return expr
90 -- Perform this transform everywhere
91 castproptop = everywhere ("castprop", castprop)
93 --------------------------------
94 -- Cast simplification. Mostly useful for state packing and unpacking, but
95 -- perhaps for others as well.
96 --------------------------------
97 castsimpl, castsimpltop :: Transform
98 castsimpl expr@(Cast val ty) = do
99 -- Don't extract values that are already simpl
100 local_var <- Trans.lift $ is_local_var val
101 -- Don't extract values that are not representable, to prevent loops with
104 if (not local_var) && repr
106 -- Generate a binder for the expression
107 id <- Trans.lift $ mkBinderFor val "castval"
108 -- Extract the expression
109 change $ Let (NonRec id val) (Cast (Var id) ty)
112 -- Leave all other expressions unchanged
113 castsimpl expr = return expr
114 -- Perform this transform everywhere
115 castsimpltop = everywhere ("castsimpl", castsimpl)
118 --------------------------------
119 -- Lambda simplication
120 --------------------------------
121 -- Ensure that a lambda always evaluates to a let expressions or a simple
122 -- variable reference.
123 lambdasimpl, lambdasimpltop :: Transform
124 -- Don't simplify a lambda that evaluates to let, since this is already
125 -- normal form (and would cause infinite loops).
126 lambdasimpl expr@(Lam _ (Let _ _)) = return expr
127 -- Put the of a lambda in its own binding, but not when the expression is
128 -- already a local variable, or not representable (to prevent loops with
130 lambdasimpl expr@(Lam bndr res) = do
132 local_var <- Trans.lift $ is_local_var res
133 if not local_var && repr
135 id <- Trans.lift $ mkBinderFor res "res"
136 change $ Lam bndr (Let (NonRec id res) (Var id))
138 -- If the result is already a local var or not representable, don't
142 -- Leave all other expressions unchanged
143 lambdasimpl expr = return expr
144 -- Perform this transform everywhere
145 lambdasimpltop = everywhere ("lambdasimpl", lambdasimpl)
147 --------------------------------
148 -- let derecursification
149 --------------------------------
150 letderec, letderectop :: Transform
151 letderec expr@(Let (Rec binds) res) = case liftable of
152 -- Nothing is liftable, just return
154 -- Something can be lifted, generate a new let expression
155 _ -> change $ mkNonRecLets liftable (Let (Rec nonliftable) res)
157 -- Make a list of all the binders bound in this recursive let
158 bndrs = map fst binds
159 -- See which bindings are liftable
160 (liftable, nonliftable) = List.partition canlift binds
161 -- Any expression that does not use any of the binders in this recursive let
162 -- can be lifted into a nonrec let. It can't use its own binder either,
163 -- since that would mean the binding is self-recursive and should be in a
164 -- single bind recursive let.
165 canlift (bndr, e) = not $ expr_uses_binders bndrs e
166 -- Leave all other expressions unchanged
167 letderec expr = return expr
168 -- Perform this transform everywhere
169 letderectop = everywhere ("letderec", letderec)
171 --------------------------------
172 -- let simplification
173 --------------------------------
174 letsimpl, letsimpltop :: Transform
175 -- Don't simplify a let that evaluates to another let, since this is already
176 -- normal form (and would cause infinite loops with letflat below).
177 letsimpl expr@(Let _ (Let _ _)) = return expr
178 -- Put the "in ..." value of a let in its own binding, but not when the
179 -- expression is already a local variable, or not representable (to prevent loops with inlinenonrep).
180 letsimpl expr@(Let binds res) = do
182 local_var <- Trans.lift $ is_local_var res
183 if not local_var && repr
185 -- If the result is not a local var already (to prevent loops with
186 -- ourselves), extract it.
187 id <- Trans.lift $ mkBinderFor res "foo"
188 change $ Let binds (Let (NonRec id res) (Var id))
190 -- If the result is already a local var, don't extract it.
193 -- Leave all other expressions unchanged
194 letsimpl expr = return expr
195 -- Perform this transform everywhere
196 letsimpltop = everywhere ("letsimpl", letsimpl)
198 --------------------------------
200 --------------------------------
201 -- Takes a let that binds another let, and turns that into two nested lets.
203 -- let b = (let b' = expr' in res') in res
205 -- let b' = expr' in (let b = res' in res)
206 letflat, letflattop :: Transform
207 -- Turn a nonrec let that binds a let into two nested lets.
208 letflat (Let (NonRec b (Let binds res')) res) =
209 change $ Let binds (Let (NonRec b res') res)
210 letflat (Let (Rec binds) expr) = do
211 -- Flatten each binding.
212 binds' <- Utils.concatM $ Monad.mapM flatbind binds
213 -- Return the new let. We don't use change here, since possibly nothing has
214 -- changed. If anything has changed, flatbind has already flagged that
216 return $ Let (Rec binds') expr
218 -- Turns a binding of a let into a multiple bindings, or any other binding
219 -- into a list with just that binding
220 flatbind :: (CoreBndr, CoreExpr) -> TransformMonad [(CoreBndr, CoreExpr)]
221 flatbind (b, Let (Rec binds) expr) = change ((b, expr):binds)
222 flatbind (b, Let (NonRec b' expr') expr) = change [(b, expr), (b', expr')]
223 flatbind (b, expr) = return [(b, expr)]
224 -- Leave all other expressions unchanged
225 letflat expr = return expr
226 -- Perform this transform everywhere
227 letflattop = everywhere ("letflat", letflat)
229 --------------------------------
231 --------------------------------
232 -- Remove empty (recursive) lets
233 letremove, letremovetop :: Transform
234 letremove (Let (Rec []) res) = change res
235 -- Leave all other expressions unchanged
236 letremove expr = return expr
237 -- Perform this transform everywhere
238 letremovetop = everywhere ("letremove", letremove)
240 --------------------------------
241 -- Simple let binding removal
242 --------------------------------
243 -- Remove a = b bindings from let expressions everywhere
244 letremovesimpletop :: Transform
245 letremovesimpletop = everywhere ("letremovesimple", inlinebind (\(b, e) -> Trans.lift $ is_local_var e))
247 --------------------------------
248 -- Unused let binding removal
249 --------------------------------
250 letremoveunused, letremoveunusedtop :: Transform
251 letremoveunused expr@(Let (NonRec b bound) res) = do
252 let used = expr_uses_binders [b] res
256 letremoveunused expr@(Let (Rec binds) res) = do
257 -- Filter out all unused binds.
258 let binds' = filter dobind binds
259 -- Only set the changed flag if binds got removed
260 changeif (length binds' /= length binds) (Let (Rec binds') res)
262 bound_exprs = map snd binds
263 -- For each bind check if the bind is used by res or any of the bound
265 dobind (bndr, _) = any (expr_uses_binders [bndr]) (res:bound_exprs)
266 -- Leave all other expressions unchanged
267 letremoveunused expr = return expr
268 letremoveunusedtop = everywhere ("letremoveunused", letremoveunused)
271 --------------------------------
272 -- Identical let binding merging
273 --------------------------------
274 -- Merge two bindings in a let if they are identical
275 -- TODO: We would very much like to use GHC's CSE module for this, but that
276 -- doesn't track if something changed or not, so we can't use it properly.
277 letmerge, letmergetop :: Transform
278 letmerge expr@(Let _ _) = do
279 let (binds, res) = flattenLets expr
280 binds' <- domerge binds
281 return $ mkNonRecLets binds' res
283 domerge :: [(CoreBndr, CoreExpr)] -> TransformMonad [(CoreBndr, CoreExpr)]
284 domerge [] = return []
286 es' <- mapM (mergebinds e) es
290 -- Uses the second bind to simplify the second bind, if applicable.
291 mergebinds :: (CoreBndr, CoreExpr) -> (CoreBndr, CoreExpr) -> TransformMonad (CoreBndr, CoreExpr)
292 mergebinds (b1, e1) (b2, e2)
293 -- Identical expressions? Replace the second binding with a reference to
295 | CoreUtils.cheapEqExpr e1 e2 = change $ (b2, Var b1)
296 -- Different expressions? Don't change
297 | otherwise = return (b2, e2)
298 -- Leave all other expressions unchanged
299 letmerge expr = return expr
300 letmergetop = everywhere ("letmerge", letmerge)
303 --------------------------------
304 -- Non-representable binding inlining
305 --------------------------------
306 -- Remove a = B bindings, with B of a non-representable type, from let
307 -- expressions everywhere. This means that any value that we can't generate a
308 -- signal for, will be inlined and hopefully turned into something we can
311 -- This is a tricky function, which is prone to create loops in the
312 -- transformations. To fix this, we make sure that no transformation will
313 -- create a new let binding with a non-representable type. These other
314 -- transformations will just not work on those function-typed values at first,
315 -- but the other transformations (in particular β-reduction) should make sure
316 -- that the type of those values eventually becomes representable.
317 inlinenonreptop :: Transform
318 inlinenonreptop = everywhere ("inlinenonrep", inlinebind ((Monad.liftM not) . isRepr . snd))
320 --------------------------------
321 -- Top level function inlining
322 --------------------------------
323 -- This transformation inlines top level bindings that have been generated by
324 -- the compiler and are really simple. Really simple currently means that the
325 -- normalized form only contains a single binding, which catches most of the
326 -- cases where a top level function is created that simply calls a type class
327 -- method with a type and dictionary argument, e.g.
328 -- fromInteger = GHC.Num.fromInteger (SizedWord D8) $dNum
329 -- which is later called using simply
330 -- fromInteger (smallInteger 10)
331 -- By inlining such calls to simple, compiler generated functions, we prevent
332 -- huge amounts of trivial components in the VHDL output, which the user never
333 -- wanted. We never inline user-defined functions, since we want to preserve
334 -- all structure defined by the user. Currently this includes all functions
335 -- that were created by funextract, since we would get loops otherwise.
337 -- Note that "defined by the compiler" isn't completely watertight, since GHC
338 -- doesn't seem to set all those names as "system names", we apply some
340 inlinetoplevel, inlinetopleveltop :: Transform
341 -- Any system name is candidate for inlining. Never inline user-defined
342 -- functions, to preserve structure.
343 inlinetoplevel expr@(Var f) | not $ isUserDefined f = do
344 body_maybe <- needsInline f
347 -- Regenerate all uniques in the to-be-inlined expression
348 body_uniqued <- Trans.lift $ genUniques body
349 -- And replace the variable reference with the unique'd body.
352 Nothing -> return expr
355 -- Leave all other expressions unchanged
356 inlinetoplevel expr = return expr
357 inlinetopleveltop = everywhere ("inlinetoplevel", inlinetoplevel)
359 -- | Does the given binder need to be inlined? If so, return the body to
360 -- be used for inlining.
361 needsInline :: CoreBndr -> TransformMonad (Maybe CoreExpr)
363 body_maybe <- Trans.lift $ getGlobalBind f
365 -- No body available?
366 Nothing -> return Nothing
367 Just body -> case CoreSyn.collectArgs body of
368 -- The body is some (top level) binder applied to 0 or more
369 -- arguments. That should be simple enough to inline.
370 (Var f, args) -> return $ Just body
371 -- Body is more complicated, try normalizing it
373 norm_maybe <- Trans.lift $ getNormalized_maybe f
375 -- Noth normalizeable
376 Nothing -> return Nothing
377 Just norm -> case splitNormalized norm of
378 -- The function has just a single binding, so that's simple
380 (args, [bind], res) -> return $ Just norm
381 -- More complicated function, don't inline
384 --------------------------------
385 -- Dictionary inlining
386 --------------------------------
387 -- Inline all top level dictionaries, so we can use them to resolve
388 -- class methods based on the dictionary passed.
389 inlinedict expr@(Var f) | Id.isDictId f = do
390 body_maybe <- Trans.lift $ getGlobalBind f
392 Nothing -> return expr
393 Just body -> change body
395 -- Leave all other expressions unchanged
396 inlinedict expr = return expr
397 inlinedicttop = everywhere ("inlinedict", inlinedict)
399 --------------------------------
400 -- ClassOp resolution
401 --------------------------------
402 -- Resolves any class operation to the actual operation whenever
403 -- possible. Class methods (as well as parent dictionary selectors) are
404 -- special "functions" that take a type and a dictionary and evaluate to
405 -- the corresponding method. A dictionary is nothing more than a
406 -- special dataconstructor applied to the type the dictionary is for,
407 -- each of the superclasses and all of the class method definitions for
408 -- that particular type. Since dictionaries all always inlined (top
409 -- levels dictionaries are inlined by inlinedict, local dictionaries are
410 -- inlined by inlinenonrep), we will eventually have something like:
413 -- @ CLasH.HardwareTypes.Bit
414 -- (D:Baz @ CLasH.HardwareTypes.Bit bitbaz)
416 -- Here, baz is the method selector for the baz method, while
417 -- D:Baz is the dictionary constructor for the Baz and bitbaz is the baz
418 -- method defined in the Baz Bit instance declaration.
420 -- To resolve this, we can look at the ClassOp IdInfo from the baz Id,
421 -- which contains the Class it is defined for. From the Class, we can
422 -- get a list of all selectors (both parent class selectors as well as
423 -- method selectors). Since the arguments to D:Baz (after the type
424 -- argument) correspond exactly to this list, we then look up baz in
425 -- that list and replace the entire expression by the corresponding
426 -- argument to D:Baz.
428 -- We don't resolve methods that have a builtin translation (such as
429 -- ==), since the actual implementation is not always (easily)
430 -- translateable. For example, when deriving ==, GHC generates code
431 -- using $con2tag functions to translate a datacon to an int and compare
432 -- that with GHC.Prim.==# . Better to avoid that for now.
433 classopresolution, classopresolutiontop :: Transform
434 classopresolution expr@(App (App (Var sel) ty) dict) | not is_builtin =
435 case Id.isClassOpId_maybe sel of
436 -- Not a class op selector
437 Nothing -> return expr
438 Just cls -> case collectArgs dict of
439 (_, []) -> return expr -- Dict is not an application (e.g., not inlined yet)
440 (Var dictdc, (ty':selectors)) | not (Maybe.isJust (Id.isDataConId_maybe dictdc)) -> return expr -- Dictionary is not a datacon yet (but e.g., a top level binder)
441 | tyargs_neq ty ty' -> error $ "Applying class selector to dictionary without matching type?\n" ++ pprString expr
443 let selector_ids = Class.classSelIds cls in
444 -- Find the selector used in the class' list of selectors
445 case List.elemIndex sel selector_ids of
446 Nothing -> error $ "Selector not found in class' selector list? This should not happen!\nExpression: " ++ pprString expr ++ "\nClass: " ++ show cls ++ "\nSelectors: " ++ show selector_ids
447 -- Get the corresponding argument from the dictionary
448 Just n -> change (selectors!!n)
449 (_, _) -> return expr -- Not applying a variable? Don't touch
451 -- Compare two type arguments, returning True if they are _not_
453 tyargs_neq (Type ty1) (Type ty2) = not $ Type.coreEqType ty1 ty2
454 tyargs_neq _ _ = True
455 -- Is this a builtin function / method?
456 is_builtin = elem (Name.getOccString sel) builtinIds
458 -- Leave all other expressions unchanged
459 classopresolution expr = return expr
460 -- Perform this transform everywhere
461 classopresolutiontop = everywhere ("classopresolution", classopresolution)
463 --------------------------------
464 -- Scrutinee simplification
465 --------------------------------
466 scrutsimpl,scrutsimpltop :: Transform
467 -- Don't touch scrutinees that are already simple
468 scrutsimpl expr@(Case (Var _) _ _ _) = return expr
469 -- Replace all other cases with a let that binds the scrutinee and a new
470 -- simple scrutinee, but only when the scrutinee is representable (to prevent
471 -- loops with inlinenonrep, though I don't think a non-representable scrutinee
472 -- will be supported anyway...)
473 scrutsimpl expr@(Case scrut b ty alts) = do
477 id <- Trans.lift $ mkBinderFor scrut "scrut"
478 change $ Let (NonRec id scrut) (Case (Var id) b ty alts)
481 -- Leave all other expressions unchanged
482 scrutsimpl expr = return expr
483 -- Perform this transform everywhere
484 scrutsimpltop = everywhere ("scrutsimpl", scrutsimpl)
486 --------------------------------
487 -- Scrutinee binder removal
488 --------------------------------
489 -- A case expression can have an extra binder, to which the scrutinee is bound
490 -- after bringing it to WHNF. This is used for forcing evaluation of strict
491 -- arguments. Since strictness does not matter for us (rather, everything is
492 -- sort of strict), this binder is ignored when generating VHDL, and must thus
493 -- be wild in the normal form.
494 scrutbndrremove, scrutbndrremovetop :: Transform
495 -- If the scrutinee is already simple, and the bndr is not wild yet, replace
496 -- all occurences of the binder with the scrutinee variable.
497 scrutbndrremove (Case (Var scrut) bndr ty alts) | bndr_used = do
498 alts' <- mapM subs_bndr alts
499 change $ Case (Var scrut) wild ty alts'
501 is_used (_, _, expr) = expr_uses_binders [bndr] expr
502 bndr_used = or $ map is_used alts
503 subs_bndr (con, bndrs, expr) = do
504 expr' <- substitute bndr (Var scrut) expr
505 return (con, bndrs, expr')
506 wild = MkCore.mkWildBinder (Id.idType bndr)
507 -- Leave all other expressions unchanged
508 scrutbndrremove expr = return expr
509 scrutbndrremovetop = everywhere ("scrutbndrremove", scrutbndrremove)
511 --------------------------------
512 -- Case binder wildening
513 --------------------------------
514 casesimpl, casesimpltop :: Transform
515 -- This is already a selector case (or, if x does not appear in bndrs, a very
516 -- simple case statement that will be removed by caseremove below). Just leave
518 casesimpl expr@(Case scrut b ty [(con, bndrs, Var x)]) = return expr
519 -- Make sure that all case alternatives have only wild binders and simple
521 -- This is done by creating a new let binding for each non-wild binder, which
522 -- is bound to a new simple selector case statement and for each complex
523 -- expression. We do this only for representable types, to prevent loops with
525 casesimpl expr@(Case scrut bndr ty alts) | not bndr_used = do
526 (bindingss, alts') <- (Monad.liftM unzip) $ mapM doalt alts
527 let bindings = concat bindingss
528 -- Replace the case with a let with bindings and a case
529 let newlet = mkNonRecLets bindings (Case scrut bndr ty alts')
530 -- If there are no non-wild binders, or this case is already a simple
531 -- selector (i.e., a single alt with exactly one binding), already a simple
532 -- selector altan no bindings (i.e., no wild binders in the original case),
533 -- don't change anything, otherwise, replace the case.
534 if null bindings then return expr else change newlet
536 -- Check if the scrutinee binder is used
537 is_used (_, _, expr) = expr_uses_binders [bndr] expr
538 bndr_used = or $ map is_used alts
539 -- Generate a single wild binder, since they are all the same
540 wild = MkCore.mkWildBinder
541 -- Wilden the binders of one alt, producing a list of bindings as a
543 doalt :: CoreAlt -> TransformMonad ([(CoreBndr, CoreExpr)], CoreAlt)
544 doalt (con, bndrs, expr) = do
545 -- Make each binder wild, if possible
546 bndrs_res <- Monad.zipWithM dobndr bndrs [0..]
547 let (newbndrs, bindings_maybe) = unzip bndrs_res
548 -- Extract a complex expression, if possible. For this we check if any of
549 -- the new list of bndrs are used by expr. We can't use free_vars here,
550 -- since that looks at the old bndrs.
551 let uses_bndrs = not $ VarSet.isEmptyVarSet $ CoreFVs.exprSomeFreeVars (`elem` newbndrs) expr
552 (exprbinding_maybe, expr') <- doexpr expr uses_bndrs
553 -- Create a new alternative
554 let newalt = (con, newbndrs, expr')
555 let bindings = Maybe.catMaybes (bindings_maybe ++ [exprbinding_maybe])
556 return (bindings, newalt)
558 -- Make wild alternatives for each binder
559 wildbndrs = map (\bndr -> MkCore.mkWildBinder (Id.idType bndr)) bndrs
560 -- A set of all the binders that are used by the expression
561 free_vars = CoreFVs.exprSomeFreeVars (`elem` bndrs) expr
562 -- Look at the ith binder in the case alternative. Return a new binder
563 -- for it (either the same one, or a wild one) and optionally a let
564 -- binding containing a case expression.
565 dobndr :: CoreBndr -> Int -> TransformMonad (CoreBndr, Maybe (CoreBndr, CoreExpr))
568 -- Is b wild (e.g., not a free var of expr. Since b is only in scope
569 -- in expr, this means that b is unused if expr does not use it.)
570 let wild = not (VarSet.elemVarSet b free_vars)
571 -- Create a new binding for any representable binder that is not
572 -- already wild and is representable (to prevent loops with
574 if (not wild) && repr
576 -- Create on new binder that will actually capture a value in this
577 -- case statement, and return it.
578 let bty = (Id.idType b)
579 id <- Trans.lift $ mkInternalVar "sel" bty
580 let binders = take i wildbndrs ++ [id] ++ drop (i+1) wildbndrs
581 let caseexpr = Case scrut b bty [(con, binders, Var id)]
582 return (wildbndrs!!i, Just (b, caseexpr))
584 -- Just leave the original binder in place, and don't generate an
585 -- extra selector case.
587 -- Process the expression of a case alternative. Accepts an expression
588 -- and whether this expression uses any of the binders in the
589 -- alternative. Returns an optional new binding and a new expression.
590 doexpr :: CoreExpr -> Bool -> TransformMonad (Maybe (CoreBndr, CoreExpr), CoreExpr)
591 doexpr expr uses_bndrs = do
592 local_var <- Trans.lift $ is_local_var expr
594 -- Extract any expressions that do not use any binders from this
595 -- alternative, is not a local var already and is representable (to
596 -- prevent loops with inlinenonrep).
597 if (not uses_bndrs) && (not local_var) && repr
599 id <- Trans.lift $ mkBinderFor expr "caseval"
600 -- We don't flag a change here, since casevalsimpl will do that above
601 -- based on Just we return here.
602 return (Just (id, expr), Var id)
604 -- Don't simplify anything else
605 return (Nothing, expr)
606 -- Leave all other expressions unchanged
607 casesimpl expr = return expr
608 -- Perform this transform everywhere
609 casesimpltop = everywhere ("casesimpl", casesimpl)
611 --------------------------------
613 --------------------------------
614 -- Remove case statements that have only a single alternative and only wild
616 caseremove, caseremovetop :: Transform
617 -- Replace a useless case by the value of its single alternative
618 caseremove (Case scrut b ty [(con, bndrs, expr)]) | not usesvars = change expr
619 -- Find if any of the binders are used by expr
620 where usesvars = (not . VarSet.isEmptyVarSet . (CoreFVs.exprSomeFreeVars (`elem` b:bndrs))) expr
621 -- Leave all other expressions unchanged
622 caseremove expr = return expr
623 -- Perform this transform everywhere
624 caseremovetop = everywhere ("caseremove", caseremove)
626 --------------------------------
627 -- Argument extraction
628 --------------------------------
629 -- Make sure that all arguments of a representable type are simple variables.
630 appsimpl, appsimpltop :: Transform
631 -- Simplify all representable arguments. Do this by introducing a new Let
632 -- that binds the argument and passing the new binder in the application.
633 appsimpl expr@(App f arg) = do
634 -- Check runtime representability
636 local_var <- Trans.lift $ is_local_var arg
637 if repr && not local_var
638 then do -- Extract representable arguments
639 id <- Trans.lift $ mkBinderFor arg "arg"
640 change $ Let (NonRec id arg) (App f (Var id))
641 else -- Leave non-representable arguments unchanged
643 -- Leave all other expressions unchanged
644 appsimpl expr = return expr
645 -- Perform this transform everywhere
646 appsimpltop = everywhere ("appsimpl", appsimpl)
648 --------------------------------
649 -- Function-typed argument propagation
650 --------------------------------
651 -- Remove all applications to function-typed arguments, by duplication the
652 -- function called with the function-typed parameter replaced by the free
653 -- variables of the argument passed in.
654 argprop, argproptop :: Transform
655 -- Transform any application of a named function (i.e., skip applications of
656 -- lambda's). Also skip applications that have arguments with free type
657 -- variables, since we can't inline those.
658 argprop expr@(App _ _) | is_var fexpr = do
659 -- Find the body of the function called
660 body_maybe <- Trans.lift $ getGlobalBind f
663 -- Process each of the arguments in turn
664 (args', changed) <- Writer.listen $ mapM doarg args
665 -- See if any of the arguments changed
666 case Monoid.getAny changed of
668 let (newargs', newparams', oldargs) = unzip3 args'
669 let newargs = concat newargs'
670 let newparams = concat newparams'
671 -- Create a new body that consists of a lambda for all new arguments and
672 -- the old body applied to some arguments.
673 let newbody = MkCore.mkCoreLams newparams (MkCore.mkCoreApps body oldargs)
674 -- Create a new function with the same name but a new body
675 newf <- Trans.lift $ mkFunction f newbody
677 Trans.lift $ MonadState.modify tsInitStates (\ismap ->
678 let init_state_maybe = Map.lookup f ismap in
679 case init_state_maybe of
681 Just init_state -> Map.insert newf init_state ismap)
682 -- Replace the original application with one of the new function to the
684 change $ MkCore.mkCoreApps (Var newf) newargs
686 -- Don't change the expression if none of the arguments changed
689 -- If we don't have a body for the function called, leave it unchanged (it
690 -- should be a primitive function then).
691 Nothing -> return expr
693 -- Find the function called and the arguments
694 (fexpr, args) = collectArgs expr
697 -- Process a single argument and return (args, bndrs, arg), where args are
698 -- the arguments to replace the given argument in the original
699 -- application, bndrs are the binders to include in the top-level lambda
700 -- in the new function body, and arg is the argument to apply to the old
702 doarg :: CoreExpr -> TransformMonad ([CoreExpr], [CoreBndr], CoreExpr)
705 bndrs <- Trans.lift getGlobalBinders
706 let interesting var = Var.isLocalVar var && (var `notElem` bndrs)
707 if not repr && not (is_var arg && interesting (exprToVar arg)) && not (has_free_tyvars arg)
709 -- Propagate all complex arguments that are not representable, but not
710 -- arguments with free type variables (since those would require types
711 -- not known yet, which will always be known eventually).
712 -- Find interesting free variables, each of which should be passed to
713 -- the new function instead of the original function argument.
715 -- Interesting vars are those that are local, but not available from the
716 -- top level scope (functions from this module are defined as local, but
717 -- they're not local to this function, so we can freely move references
718 -- to them into another function).
719 let free_vars = VarSet.varSetElems $ CoreFVs.exprSomeFreeVars interesting arg
720 -- Mark the current expression as changed
722 -- TODO: Clone the free_vars (and update references in arg), since
723 -- this might cause conflicts if two arguments that are propagated
724 -- share a free variable. Also, we are now introducing new variables
725 -- into a function that are not fresh, which violates the binder
726 -- uniqueness invariant.
727 return (map Var free_vars, free_vars, arg)
729 -- Representable types will not be propagated, and arguments with free
730 -- type variables will be propagated later.
731 -- Note that we implicitly remove any type variables in the type of
732 -- the original argument by using the type of the actual argument
733 -- for the new formal parameter.
734 -- TODO: preserve original naming?
735 id <- Trans.lift $ mkBinderFor arg "param"
736 -- Just pass the original argument to the new function, which binds it
737 -- to a new id and just pass that new id to the old function body.
738 return ([arg], [id], mkReferenceTo id)
739 -- Leave all other expressions unchanged
740 argprop expr = return expr
741 -- Perform this transform everywhere
742 argproptop = everywhere ("argprop", argprop)
744 --------------------------------
745 -- Function-typed argument extraction
746 --------------------------------
747 -- This transform takes any function-typed argument that cannot be propagated
748 -- (because the function that is applied to it is a builtin function), and
749 -- puts it in a brand new top level binder. This allows us to for example
750 -- apply map to a lambda expression This will not conflict with inlinenonrep,
751 -- since that only inlines local let bindings, not top level bindings.
752 funextract, funextracttop :: Transform
753 funextract expr@(App _ _) | is_var fexpr = do
754 body_maybe <- Trans.lift $ getGlobalBind f
756 -- We don't have a function body for f, so we can perform this transform.
758 -- Find the new arguments
759 args' <- mapM doarg args
760 -- And update the arguments. We use return instead of changed, so the
761 -- changed flag doesn't get set if none of the args got changed.
762 return $ MkCore.mkCoreApps fexpr args'
763 -- We have a function body for f, leave this application to funprop
764 Just _ -> return expr
766 -- Find the function called and the arguments
767 (fexpr, args) = collectArgs expr
769 -- Change any arguments that have a function type, but are not simple yet
770 -- (ie, a variable or application). This means to create a new function
771 -- for map (\f -> ...) b, but not for map (foo a) b.
773 -- We could use is_applicable here instead of is_fun, but I think
774 -- arguments to functions could only have forall typing when existential
775 -- typing is enabled. Not sure, though.
776 doarg arg | not (is_simple arg) && is_fun arg = do
777 -- Create a new top level binding that binds the argument. Its body will
778 -- be extended with lambda expressions, to take any free variables used
779 -- by the argument expression.
780 let free_vars = VarSet.varSetElems $ CoreFVs.exprFreeVars arg
781 let body = MkCore.mkCoreLams free_vars arg
782 id <- Trans.lift $ mkBinderFor body "fun"
783 Trans.lift $ addGlobalBind id body
784 -- Replace the argument with a reference to the new function, applied to
786 change $ MkCore.mkCoreApps (Var id) (map Var free_vars)
787 -- Leave all other arguments untouched
788 doarg arg = return arg
790 -- Leave all other expressions unchanged
791 funextract expr = return expr
792 -- Perform this transform everywhere
793 funextracttop = everywhere ("funextract", funextract)
795 --------------------------------
796 -- Ensure that a function that just returns another function (or rather,
797 -- another top-level binder) is still properly normalized. This is a temporary
798 -- solution, we should probably integrate this pass with lambdasimpl and
800 --------------------------------
801 simplrestop expr@(Lam _ _) = return expr
802 simplrestop expr@(Let _ _) = return expr
803 simplrestop expr = do
804 local_var <- Trans.lift $ is_local_var expr
805 -- Don't extract values that are not representable, to prevent loops with
808 if local_var || not repr
812 id <- Trans.lift $ mkBinderFor expr "res"
813 change $ Let (NonRec id expr) (Var id)
814 --------------------------------
815 -- End of transformations
816 --------------------------------
821 -- What transforms to run?
822 transforms = [inlinedicttop, inlinetopleveltop, classopresolutiontop, argproptop, funextracttop, etatop, betatop, castproptop, letremovesimpletop, letderectop, letremovetop, letsimpltop, letflattop, scrutsimpltop, scrutbndrremovetop, casesimpltop, caseremovetop, inlinenonreptop, appsimpltop, letremoveunusedtop, castsimpltop, lambdasimpltop, simplrestop]
824 -- | Returns the normalized version of the given function, or an error
825 -- if it is not a known global binder.
827 CoreBndr -- ^ The function to get
828 -> TranslatorSession CoreExpr -- The normalized function body
829 getNormalized bndr = do
830 norm <- getNormalized_maybe bndr
831 return $ Maybe.fromMaybe
832 (error $ "Normalize.getNormalized: Unknown or non-representable function requested: " ++ show bndr)
835 -- | Returns the normalized version of the given function, or Nothing
836 -- when the binder is not a known global binder or is not normalizeable.
837 getNormalized_maybe ::
838 CoreBndr -- ^ The function to get
839 -> TranslatorSession (Maybe CoreExpr) -- The normalized function body
841 getNormalized_maybe bndr = do
842 expr_maybe <- getGlobalBind bndr
843 normalizeable <- isNormalizeable' bndr
844 if not normalizeable || Maybe.isNothing expr_maybe
846 -- Binder not normalizeable or not found
848 else if is_poly (Var bndr)
850 -- This should really only happen at the top level... TODO: Give
851 -- a different error if this happens down in the recursion.
852 error $ "\nNormalize.normalizeBind: Function " ++ show bndr ++ " is polymorphic, can't normalize"
854 -- Binder found and is monomorphic. Normalize the expression
855 -- and cache the result.
856 normalized <- Utils.makeCached bndr tsNormalized $
857 normalizeExpr (show bndr) (Maybe.fromJust expr_maybe)
858 return (Just normalized)
860 -- | Normalize an expression
862 String -- ^ What are we normalizing? For debug output only.
863 -> CoreSyn.CoreExpr -- ^ The expression to normalize
864 -> TranslatorSession CoreSyn.CoreExpr -- ^ The normalized expression
866 normalizeExpr what expr = do
867 expr_uniqued <- genUniques expr
868 -- Normalize this expression
869 trace (what ++ " before normalization:\n\n" ++ showSDoc ( ppr expr_uniqued ) ++ "\n") $ return ()
870 expr' <- dotransforms transforms expr_uniqued
871 trace ("\n" ++ what ++ " after normalization:\n\n" ++ showSDoc ( ppr expr')) $ return ()
874 -- | Split a normalized expression into the argument binders, top level
875 -- bindings and the result binder.
877 CoreExpr -- ^ The normalized expression
878 -> ([CoreBndr], [Binding], CoreBndr)
879 splitNormalized expr = (args, binds, res)
881 (args, letexpr) = CoreSyn.collectBinders expr
882 (binds, resexpr) = flattenLets letexpr
883 res = case resexpr of
885 _ -> error $ "Normalize.splitNormalized: Not in normal form: " ++ pprString expr ++ "\n"