2 % Defines some useful formatting environments.
5 % A simple description format
8 [location=hanging,hang=20,width=broad]
10 % An (invisible) frame to hold some expression. Used to treat multiple lines
11 % as a single line and put it next to each other.
12 \define[1]\hiddenframe{
13 % The align=right option really does left-alignment, but without it,
14 % all lines will end up on a single line. The strut=no option prevents
15 % a bunch of empty space at the start of the frame.
16 \framed[offset=0mm,location=middle,strut=no,align=right,frame=off]{#1}
19 % Define a \strikethrough command. For some reason, this does blue
20 % strikethrough, sometime that still needs fixing.
28 \def\setwidthof#1\to#2%
30 \setbox\scratchbox\hbox{#1}%
31 \expanded{\egroup\def\noexpand#2{\the\wd\scratchbox}}}
33 % Allow \emph{foo} (and {\emph foo}, but that's not really needed).
34 \definealternativestyle[emph][\em][]